--- File: DEP-11 Version: '1.0' Origin: ubuntu-oracular-updates-universe MediaBaseUrl: https://appstream.ubuntu.com/media/oracular-updates Priority: 10 Time: 20250302T161345 --- Type: desktop-application ID: libreoffice-base.desktop Package: libreoffice-base ProjectLicense: MPL-2.0 Name: C: LibreOffice Base Summary: C: Database manager part of the LibreOffice productivity suite Description: C: >-
Base is a powerful database manager, part of the LibreOffice productivity suite. It allows you to store, manage and maintain different collections of data. Base makes it easy to keep track of your finances, customers, invoices, or even just the contacts in your address book!
For users that are new to databases, Base offers helpful wizards to create tables, queries, forms and reports. It's a solution for people requiring an easy-to-understand, simple-to-use system.
For power users and enterprise requirements, it provides native-support drivers for some of the most-widely employed multi-user database engines: PostgreSQL, MySQL and MS Access. In addition, the built-in support for JDBC- and ODBC-standard drivers allows you to connect to virtually any other existing database engine as well.
Developer: name: C: The Document Foundation Categories: - Office - Database Keywords: C: - Data - SQL Url: homepage: http://www.libreoffice.org/discover/base/ bugtracker: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/ help: http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/documentation/ translate: https://hub.libreoffice.org/translate faq: https://hub.libreoffice.org/faq donation: https://donate.libreoffice.org/ Icon: cached: - name: libreoffice-base_libreoffice-base.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: libreoffice-base_libreoffice-base.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: libreoffice-base_libreoffice-base.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/5c1859959f9552dab51677d709880ba8/icons/128x128/libreoffice-base_libreoffice-base.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: libreoffice-base Launchable: desktop-id: - libreoffice-base.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.base - application/vnd.sun.xml.base Screenshots: - default: true caption: {} thumbnails: - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/5c1859959f9552dab51677d709880ba8/screenshots/image-1_752x470@1.png width: 752 height: 470 - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/5c1859959f9552dab51677d709880ba8/screenshots/image-1_624x390@1.png width: 624 height: 390 - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/5c1859959f9552dab51677d709880ba8/screenshots/image-1_224x140@1.png width: 224 height: 140 source-image: url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/5c1859959f9552dab51677d709880ba8/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1137 height: 712 - caption: {} thumbnails: - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/5c1859959f9552dab51677d709880ba8/screenshots/image-2_752x471@1.png width: 752 height: 471 - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/5c1859959f9552dab51677d709880ba8/screenshots/image-2_624x390@1.png width: 624 height: 390 - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/5c1859959f9552dab51677d709880ba8/screenshots/image-2_224x140@1.png width: 224 height: 140 source-image: url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/5c1859959f9552dab51677d709880ba8/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1138 height: 713 ContentRating: oars-1.0: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: ubuntustudio-support.desktop Package: ubuntustudio-menu Name: C: Help and Support Summary: C: Help and Support on Ubuntu Discourse es: Ayuda y soporte en Ubuntu Discourse Description: ru: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce, and includes Application Overview folders for GNOME.
fr: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce, and includes Application Overview folders for GNOME.
C: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce, and includes Application Overview folders for GNOME.
sl: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce, and includes Application Overview folders for GNOME.
en: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce, and includes Application Overview folders for GNOME.
Categories: - System - Documentation Keywords: C: - Info - Information - Ubuntustudio - Ubuntu - Discourse - Forum - Support Icon: cached: - name: ubuntustudio-menu_ubuntustudio-support.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: ubuntustudio-menu_ubuntustudio-support.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: ubuntustudio-menu_ubuntustudio-support.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: u/ub/ubuntustudio-support.desktop/a86f86bbc579c2005c5f5760dfa63eef/icons/128x128/ubuntustudio-menu_ubuntustudio-support.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: ubuntustudio-support Launchable: desktop-id: - ubuntustudio-support.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: ubuntustudio-help.desktop Package: ubuntustudio-menu Name: nl: Hulp van Ubuntu Studio es: Ayuda de Ubuntu Studio sv: Hjälp av Ubuntu Studio sk: Pomocník Ubuntu Studio ug: Ubuntu Studio يادەم fi: Ohjeita Ubuntu Studion ca: Ajuda de Ubuntu Studio it: Aiuto di Ubuntu Studio ja: Ubuntu Studioヘルプ de: Ubuntu Studio-Hilfe fr: Aide d'Ubuntu Studio uk: Допомога Ubuntu Studio kk: Ubuntu Studio Көмек he: עזרהUbuntu Studio el: Βοήθεια του Ubuntu Studio C: Ubuntu Studio Help id: Bantuan Ubuntu Studio pt: Ajuda de Ubuntu Studio zh_TW: 幫助 Ubuntu Studio eu: Ubuntu Studio Laguntza pt_BR: Ajuda de Ubuntu Studio hr: Pomoć Ubuntu Studio hu: Súgó Ubuntu Studio zh_CN: 帮助 Ubuntu Studio da: Hjælp af Ubuntu Studio gl: Axuda de Ubuntu Studio ru: Справка Ubuntu Studio Summary: nl: Hulp bij het gebruik van Ubuntu Studio es: Ayuda usando Ubuntu Studio sv: Hjälp hur man använder Ubuntu Studio sk: Pomocník pre používanie Ubuntu Studio ug: Ubuntu Studio ياردەملىرى fi: Ohjeita Ubuntu Studion käyttöön ca: Ajuda de Ubuntu Studio it: Aiuto per l'utilizzo di Ubuntu Studio ja: Ubuntu Studio の使用に関するヘルプです de: Hilfe zur Nutzung von Ubuntu Studio fr: Aide Ubuntu Studio uk: Допомога про використання Ubuntu Studio kk: Ubuntu Studio қолдану көмегі he: עזרה בשימוש ב־Ubuntu Studio el: Βοήθεια για τη χρήση του Ubuntu Studio C: Help using Ubuntu Studio id: Bantuan menggunakan Ubuntu Studio pt: Ajuda de utilização Ubuntu Studio zh_TW: 幫助您使用 Ubuntu Studio eu: Lagundu Ubuntu Studio erabiltzen pt_BR: Ajuda usando Ubuntu Studio hr: Pomoć pri korištenju Ubuntu Studio hu: Segítség az Ubuntu Studio használatához zh_CN: 使用 Ubuntu Studio 的帮助 da: Hjælp til brug af Ubuntu Studio gl: Axuda sobre o uso de Ubuntu Studio ru: Справка по использованию Ubuntu Studio Description: ru: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce.
fr: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce.
C: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce.
sl: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce.
en: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce.
Categories: - System - Documentation Keywords: C: - Info - Information - Ubuntustudio - Help Icon: cached: - name: ubuntustudio-menu_system-help.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: ubuntustudio-menu_system-help.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: ubuntustudio-menu_system-help.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: u/ub/ubuntustudio-help.desktop/7a60cb0484602022742e852c8eb80e86/icons/128x128/ubuntustudio-menu_system-help.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: system-help Launchable: desktop-id: - ubuntustudio-help.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: ubuntustudio-mail.desktop Package: ubuntustudio-menu Name: C: Ubuntu Studio Mailing List es: Lista de correo de Ubuntu Studio Summary: C: Join the Ubuntu Studio mailing list. es: Únete a la lista de correo de Ubuntu Studio Description: ru: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce, and includes Application Overview folders for GNOME.
fr: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce, and includes Application Overview folders for GNOME.
C: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce, and includes Application Overview folders for GNOME.
sl: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce, and includes Application Overview folders for GNOME.
en: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce, and includes Application Overview folders for GNOME.
Categories: - System - Documentation Keywords: C: - Info - Information - Ubuntustudio - Email Icon: cached: - name: ubuntustudio-menu_internet-mail.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: ubuntustudio-menu_internet-mail.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: ubuntustudio-menu_internet-mail.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: u/ub/ubuntustudio-mail.desktop/3573fe629e3ef95a71da9be63a7149d3/icons/128x128/ubuntustudio-menu_internet-mail.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: internet-mail Launchable: desktop-id: - ubuntustudio-mail.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: ubuntustudio-contribute.desktop Package: ubuntustudio-menu Name: es: Colaborar con Ubuntu Studio sk: Prispejte do Ubuntu Studio en_GB: Contribute to Ubuntu Studio fi: Osallistu Ubuntu Studion kehittämiseen ml: സുബുണ്ടുവിലേക്ക് സംഭാവന ചെയ്യൂ ja: Ubuntu Studioに貢献する de: Sich an Ubuntu Studio beteiligen fr: Contribuer à Ubuntu Studio oc: Contribuir a Ubuntu Studio pt: Contribuir para o Ubuntu Studio C: Contribute to Ubuntu Studio cs: Přispět Ubuntu Studio en_AU: Contribute to Ubuntu Studio lt: Talkinti Ubuntu Studio sr: Допринесите Иксубунтуу pt_BR: Contribuir com o Ubuntu Studio pl: Pomoc dla Ubuntu Studio hu: Közreműködés a Ubuntu Studioban is: Leggðu Ubuntu Studio lið nl: Werk mee aan Ubuntu Studio gl: Colabore co Ubuntu Studio ru: Окажите помощь Ubuntu Studio Summary: es: Lea cómo puede ayudar a mejorar Ubuntu Studio! sk: Prečítajte si ako môžete spraviť Ubuntu Studio lepším! en_GB: Read how you can make Ubuntu Studio better! fi: Lue kuinka voit tehdä Ubuntu Studiosta paremman! ml: എങ്ങനെ സുബുണ്ടു മികച്ചതാക്കാമെന്ന് വായിച്ചറിയൂ! ja: Ubuntu Studioをよりよくするためにあなたにできることをお読みください! de: Lesen, wie Sie Ubuntu Studio besser machen können! fr: Lire comment améliorer Ubuntu Studio ! pl: Dowiedz się jak możesz uczynić Ubuntu Studio lepszym! pt: Leia como pode tornar o Ubuntu Studio melhor! C: Read how you can make Ubuntu Studio better! cs: Přečtěte si, jak můžete pomoci Ubuntu Studio! en_AU: Read how you can make Ubuntu Studio better! lt: Skaitykite kaip jūs galite padaryti Ubuntu Studio geresne! sr: Прочитајте како можете Иксубунту да учините бољим! pt_BR: Leia como você pode fazer o Ubuntu Studio melhor! hu: Ismerje meg, hogyan teheti jobbá a Ubuntu Studiot! is: Lestu hvernig þú getur bætt Ubuntu Studio! nl: Lees hoe u Ubuntu Studio beter kunt maken! gl: Aprenda sobre como mellorar o Ubuntu Studio! ru: Узнайте, как вы можете помочь Ubuntu Studio! Description: ru: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce.
fr: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce.
C: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce.
sl: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce.
en: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce.
Categories: - System - Documentation Keywords: C: - Info - Information - Ubuntustudio - Contribute - Dev Icon: cached: - name: ubuntustudio-menu_ubuntustudio-logo.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: ubuntustudio-menu_ubuntustudio-logo.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: ubuntustudio-menu_ubuntustudio-logo.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: u/ub/ubuntustudio-contribute.desktop/0b6f5dfc71f9b2db34d4fab72268892e/icons/128x128/ubuntustudio-menu_ubuntustudio-logo.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: ubuntustudio-logo Launchable: desktop-id: - ubuntustudio-contribute.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: ubuntustudio-discourse.desktop Package: ubuntustudio-menu Name: C: Connect with Community Summary: C: Connect with other Ubuntu Studio users on Ubuntu Discourse es: Conéctese con otros usuarios de Ubuntu Studio en Ubuntu Discourse Description: ru: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce, and includes Application Overview folders for GNOME.
fr: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce, and includes Application Overview folders for GNOME.
C: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce, and includes Application Overview folders for GNOME.
sl: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce, and includes Application Overview folders for GNOME.
en: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce, and includes Application Overview folders for GNOME.
Categories: - System - Documentation Keywords: C: - Info - Information - Ubuntustudio - Ubuntu - Discourse - Forum - Community Icon: cached: - name: ubuntustudio-menu_ubuntustudio-discourse.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: ubuntustudio-menu_ubuntustudio-discourse.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: ubuntustudio-menu_ubuntustudio-discourse.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: u/ub/ubuntustudio-discourse.desktop/3e7e8938a1fec090e3994be620c8349b/icons/128x128/ubuntustudio-menu_ubuntustudio-discourse.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: ubuntustudio-discourse Launchable: desktop-id: - ubuntustudio-discourse.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: ubuntustudio-website.desktop Package: ubuntustudio-menu Name: es: Sitio web de Ubuntu Studio sk: Webová stránka Ubuntu Studio en_GB: Ubuntu Studio Website fi: Ubuntu Studion verkkosivusto ml: സുബുണ്ടു വെബ്സൈറ്റ് ja: Ubuntu Studioのウェブサイト de: Ubuntu Studio-Internetseite fr: Site internet de Ubuntu Studio oc: Site web de Ubuntu Studio pt: Site do Ubuntu Studio C: Ubuntu Studio Website cs: Webová stránka Ubuntu Studio en_AU: Ubuntu Studio Website lt: Ubuntu Studio svetainė sr: Веб сајт Иксубунтуа pt_BR: Ubuntu Studio Website pl: Strona internetowa Ubuntu Studio hu: A Ubuntu Studio weboldala is: Vefsíða Ubuntu Studio nl: Webpagina van Ubuntu Studio gl: Sitio web do Ubuntu Studio ru: Сайт Ubuntu Studio Summary: es: Aprenda más sobre Ubuntu Studio en nuestro sitio web. sk: Viac informácií o Ubuntu Studio získate na jeho webových stránkach. en_GB: Learn more about Ubuntu Studio on our website. fi: Lue lisää Ubuntu Studiosta verkkosivustollamme. ml: സുബുണ്ടുവിനെ കുറിച്ച് കൂടുതല് വിവരങ്ങള് ഞങ്ങളുടെ വെബ്സൈറ്റില് pt: Saiba mais sobre o Ubuntu Studio no nosso site. lt: Sužinokite daugiau apie Ubuntu Studio mūsų svetainėje fr: En savoir plus sur Ubuntu Studio sur notre site internet. de: Mehr über Ubuntu Studio auf unserer Internetseite erfahren. oc: Aprenètz-ne mai sus Ubuntu Studio sus nòstre site web. pl: Dowiedz się więcej o Ubuntu Studio na naszej stronie internetowej. C: Learn more about Ubuntu Studio on our website. cs: Zjistětš více o Ubuntu Studio na našich webových stránkách. en_AU: Learn more about Ubuntu Studio on our website. sr: Научите нешто више о Иксубунтуу на нашем веб сајту. pt_BR: Aprenda mais sobre o Ubuntu Studio em nosso website. hu: Tudjon meg többet a Ubuntu Studioról a weboldalunkon is: Lærðu meira um Ubuntu Studio á vefsíðunni okkar. nl: Kom meer te weten over Ubuntu Studio op onze webpagina. gl: Aprenda máis sobre o Ubuntu Studio no noso sitio web. ru: Узнайте больше о Ubuntu Studio на нашем сайте. Description: ru: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce.
fr: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce.
C: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce.
sl: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce.
en: >-Menu for Ubuntu Studio's use case. This menu has new Audio production, Video production, and Graphics subsections for artistic creation. This menu is designed to be merged into any xdg (open desktop) menu, such as KDE or Xfce.
Categories: - System - Documentation Keywords: C: - Info - Information - Ubuntustudio - Website Icon: cached: - name: ubuntustudio-menu_ubuntustudio-logo.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: ubuntustudio-menu_ubuntustudio-logo.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: ubuntustudio-menu_ubuntustudio-logo.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: u/ub/ubuntustudio-website.desktop/4df529cb6c2b1ebac11ee458c4d5d1a9/icons/128x128/ubuntustudio-menu_ubuntustudio-logo.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: ubuntustudio-logo Launchable: desktop-id: - ubuntustudio-website.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: far2l.desktop Package: far2l Name: C: far2l Summary: C: File and archive manager Description: C: >-This is a clone of FAR manager for Windows, similar, but more powerful than Norton Commander/Midnight Commander.
Plug-ins that are currently working: - NetRocks (SFTP/SCP/FTP/FTPS/SMB/NFS/WebDAV) - colorer - multiarc - tmppanel - align - autowrap - drawline - editcase - SimpleIndent
en: >-This is a clone of FAR manager for Windows, similar, but more powerful than Norton Commander/Midnight Commander.
Plug-ins that are currently working: - NetRocks (SFTP/SCP/FTP/FTPS/SMB/NFS/WebDAV) - colorer - multiarc - tmppanel - align - autowrap - drawline - editcase - SimpleIndent
Categories: - Utility - FileManager Icon: cached: - name: far2l_far2l.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: far2l_far2l.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: far2l_far2l.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: f/fa/far2l.desktop/f031129641e7135b57d289c5ae6f1c66/icons/128x128/far2l_far2l.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: far2l Launchable: desktop-id: - far2l.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gnome.Ptyxis Package: ptyxis ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0-or-later Name: sv: Ptyxis en_GB: Ptyxis he: Ptyxis it: Ptyxis fi: Ptyxis tr: Ptyxis de: Ptyxis nb: Ptyxis sl: Ptyxis uk: Ptyxis C: Ptyxis hi: Ptyxis id: Ptyxis cs: Ptyxis eu: Ptyxis zh_CN: Ptyxis pt_BR: Ptyxis nl: Ptyxis ru: Ptyxis Summary: sv: Behållarorienterad terminal en_GB: Container-orientated terminal he: מסוף מוכוון מיכלים ja: コンテナ志向のターミナル it: Un terminale rivolto ai container fi: Konttisuuntautunut pääte tr: Konteyner odaklı uçbirim fa: پایانهٔ بارگنجمحور nb: Konteinerbasert terminal de: Auf Container ausgerichtetes Terminal sl: Zabojnikom posvečen terminal uk: Орієнтований на контейнери термінал C: Container-oriented terminal hi: कंटेनर-उन्मुख टर्मिनल id: Terminal berorientasi kontainer cs: Kontejnerově orientovaný terminál eu: Edukiontziekin erabiltzeko terminala zh_CN: 面向容器的终端 pt_BR: Terminal orientado a contêineres ru: Терминал ориентированный на контейнеры Description: sv: >-Ptyxis är en terminal för GNOME som fokuserar på användarvänlighet i en värld av behållare.
Ptyxis is a terminal for GNOME that focuses on ease-of-use in a world of containers.
Ptyxis on pääteohjelma Gnomelle, joka keskittyy helppokäyttöisyyteen konttimaailmassa.
Ptyxis はコンテナの使いやすさにフォーカスした GNOME 向けのターミナルです。
Ptyxis è un terminale per GNOME che si concentra sulla facilità d'uso in un mondo di container.
Ptyxis, konteyner dünyasında kullanım kolaylığına odaklanan GNOME için bir uçbirimdir.
Ptyxis ist ein Terminal für GNOME, das sich auf Benutzerfreundlichkeit in einer Welt voller Container fokussiert.
Ptyxis er en enkel og brukervennlig terminal som gjør det lett å jobbe med konteinere.
Fordeler med Ptyxis:
Ptyxis je terminal za GNOME, ki se osredotoča na enostavnost uporabe v svetu vsebnikov.
Ptyxis — термінал для GNOME, акцент у якому зроблено на простоту користування у світі контейнерів.
Ptyxis is a terminal for GNOME that focuses on ease-of-use in a world of containers.
Ptyxis गनोम के लिए एक टर्मिनल है जो कंटेनरों की दुनिया में प्रयोग में आसानी पर केंद्रित है।
Ptyxis je terminál pro prostředí GNOME, který se zaměřuje na snadné použití ve světě kontejnerů.
Ptyxis GNOMErako terminal bat da, edukiontzien mundu batean erraz erabiltzeko modukoa.
Ptyxis 是 GNOME 的一个专注易于在容器环境中使用的终端。
Ptyxis é um terminal para GNOME que se concentra na facilidade de uso em um mundo de contêineres.
Ptyxis adalah terminal untuk GNOME yang berfokus pada kemudahan penggunaan di dunia kontainer.
Ptyxis is een terminal voor GNOME die zich specialiseert in gebruiksgemak bij het gebruik van containers.
Ptyxis - это терминал для GNOME, ориентированный на простоту использования в мире контейнеров.
Fix shortcuts with Fn-key usage along with translation and palette updates.
- version: '47.1' type: stable unix-timestamp: 1727136000 - version: '47.0' type: stable unix-timestamp: 1726185600 ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: krank.desktop Package: krank Name: C: Krank Summary: ru: небольшая казуальная игрушка C: a little casual game de: ein kleines Geschicklichkeitsspiel Description: uk: >-krank — гра на спритність, щось середнє між Breakout та більярдом, де завданням є на кожному рівні штовхати камінці, що ковзають, до тотожних статичних камінців. Ви керуєте коротким ланцюжком камінців за допомогою миші для досягнення поставленої мети.
fr: >-Krank est un jeu de dextérité, se situant quelque part entre le casse- briques et le billard, où le but de chaque niveau est de pousser des pierres flottantes vers les pierres statiques compatibles. Le joueur contrôle une courte chaîne de pierres avec la souris pour réussir à le faire.
pl: >-Krank to gra zręcznościowa, będąca czymś pomiędzy Breakoutem a bilardem, gdzie celem każdego poziomu jest przesuwanie pływających kamieni w kierunku kompatybilnych kamieni statycznych. Aby osiągnąć ten cel, należy odpowiednio sterować krótkim łańcuchem kamieni za pomocą myszki.
de: >-krank ist ein Geschicklichkeitsspiel, das irgendwo zwischen Breakout und Billard liegt. Das Ziel jedes Levels besteht darin, schwebende Steine auf kompatible statische Steine zu schieben. Um das zu erreichen, steuern Sie eine kurze Kette von Steinen mit der Maus.
it: >-krank è un gioco di destrezza, è qualcosa tra Breakout e biliardo, dove lo scopo di ogni livello è spingere sassi fluttuanti verso sassi statici compatibili. Per farlo si controlla con il mouse una corta catena di sassi.
ru: >-krank — это игра на сообразительность, нечто среднее между Breakout и бильярдом, где целью является сбор летающих камней у таких же неподвижных камней. Инструментом для этого является короткая цепочка камней, управляемая с помощью мыши.
C: >-krank is a game of dexterity, being somewhere between Breakout and billiard, where the aim of each level is to shove floating stones towards compatible static stones. You control a short chain of stones with your mouse to achieve that.
da: >-Krank er et fingerfærdighedsspil, et sted mellem Breakout og Billiard, hvor målet på hvert niveau er at flytte flydende sten mod kompatible statiske sten. Du kontrollerer en kort kæde af sten med din mus for at opnå dette.
en: >-krank is a game of dexterity, being somewhere between Breakout and billiard, where the aim of each level is to shove floating stones towards compatible static stones. You control a short chain of stones with your mouse to achieve that.
Categories: - Game - LogicGame - ArcadeGame Keywords: C: - logic - dexterity - stones - mouse Icon: cached: - name: krank_krank.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: krank_krank.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: krank Launchable: desktop-id: - krank.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: edubuntu-discourse.desktop Package: edubuntu-menu Name: C: Connect with Community Summary: C: Connect with other Edubuntu users on Ubuntu Discourse, view Release Notes and Announcements es: Conéctese con otros usuarios de Edubuntu en Ubuntu Discourse, consulte Notas de la versión y anuncios Description: C: >-Application Folders for Edubuntu. This breaks up Edubuntu's GNOME application overview into organized folders based on education subject for ease of learning in a classroom setting. Contains utilities for resetting to defaults and hiding icons from non-admin users.
en: >-Application Folders for Edubuntu. This breaks up Edubuntu's GNOME application overview into organized folders based on education subject for ease of learning in a classroom setting. Contains utilities for resetting to defaults and hiding icons from non-admin users.
Categories: - System - Documentation Keywords: C: - Info - Information - Edubuntu - Ubuntu - Discourse - Forum - Community Icon: cached: - name: edubuntu-menu_edubuntu-discourse.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: edubuntu-menu_edubuntu-discourse.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: edubuntu-menu_edubuntu-discourse.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: e/ed/edubuntu-discourse.desktop/595b5f35716c318412c54d4796c6ab33/icons/128x128/edubuntu-menu_edubuntu-discourse.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: edubuntu-discourse Launchable: desktop-id: - edubuntu-discourse.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: edubuntu-menu-admin.desktop Package: edubuntu-menu Name: C: Edubuntu Menu Administration es: Administrar menú de Edubuntu Summary: C: Hide or Show Icons for Non-Admin Users es: Ocultar o mostrar iconos para usuarios no administrativos Description: C: >-Application Folders for Edubuntu. This breaks up Edubuntu's GNOME application overview into organized folders based on education subject for ease of learning in a classroom setting. Contains utilities for resetting to defaults and hiding icons from non-admin users.
en: >-Application Folders for Edubuntu. This breaks up Edubuntu's GNOME application overview into organized folders based on education subject for ease of learning in a classroom setting. Contains utilities for resetting to defaults and hiding icons from non-admin users.
Categories: - System - Utility Keywords: C: - Edubuntu - Application - Overview - Grid - Icons Icon: cached: - name: edubuntu-menu_edubuntu-menu-admin.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: edubuntu-menu_edubuntu-menu-admin.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: edubuntu-menu_edubuntu-menu-admin.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: e/ed/edubuntu-menu-admin.desktop/60d1fdb8c3c04a966ad3d75238f1daa6/icons/128x128/edubuntu-menu_edubuntu-menu-admin.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: edubuntu-menu-admin Launchable: desktop-id: - edubuntu-menu-admin.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: edubuntu-support.desktop Package: edubuntu-menu Name: C: Help and Support Summary: C: Help and Support on Ubuntu Discourse es: Ayuda y soporte en Ubuntu Discourse Description: C: >-Application Folders for Edubuntu. This breaks up Edubuntu's GNOME application overview into organized folders based on education subject for ease of learning in a classroom setting. Contains utilities for resetting to defaults and hiding icons from non-admin users.
en: >-Application Folders for Edubuntu. This breaks up Edubuntu's GNOME application overview into organized folders based on education subject for ease of learning in a classroom setting. Contains utilities for resetting to defaults and hiding icons from non-admin users.
Categories: - System - Documentation Keywords: C: - Info - Information - Edubuntu - Ubuntu - Discourse - Forum - Support Icon: cached: - name: edubuntu-menu_edubuntu-support.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: edubuntu-menu_edubuntu-support.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: edubuntu-menu_edubuntu-support.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: e/ed/edubuntu-support.desktop/13edcff425da23529a5a48381279bb86/icons/128x128/edubuntu-menu_edubuntu-support.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: edubuntu-support Launchable: desktop-id: - edubuntu-support.desktop --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer1.0-qt5 Package: gstreamer1.0-qt5 Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: C: GStreamer plugin for Qt5 en: GStreamer plugin for Qt5 --- Type: desktop-application ID: com.play0ad.zeroad Package: 0ad Name: C: 0 A.D. Summary: C: Real-Time Strategy Game of Ancient Warfare Description: C: >-0 A.D. is a real-time strategy (RTS) game of ancient warfare. It's a historically-based war/economy game that allows players to relive or rewrite the history of thirteen ancient civilizations, each depicted at their peak of economic growth and military prowess.
The thirteen factions are: Three of the Hellenic States (Athens, Sparta and Macedonia), two of the kingdoms of Alexander the Great's successors (Seleucids and Ptolemaic Egyptians), two Celtic tribes (Britons and Gauls), the Romans, the Persians, the Iberians, the Carthaginians, the Mauryas and the Kushites. Each civilization is complete with substantially unique artwork, technologies and civilization bonuses.
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ and CC-BY-SA Categories: - Game - StrategyGame Keywords: C: - RTS - Real-Time Strategy - Economic Simulation Game - History - Warfare - Infantry - Cavalry - Siege Engines - Fortress - Celtics - Hellenes - Athenians - Britons - Carthaginians - Gauls - Iberians - Macedonians - Mauryas - Persians - Ptolemies - Romans - Seleucids - Spartans Url: homepage: https://play0ad.com/ bugtracker: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ translate: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Localization donation: https://play0ad.com/community/donate/ Icon: cached: - name: 0ad_0ad.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: 0ad_0ad.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: 0ad_0ad.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/icons/128x128/0ad_0ad.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: 0ad Launchable: desktop-id: - 0ad.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/x-pyromod+zip Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-1_1248x702.png width: 1248 height: 702 - url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-1_752x423.png width: 752 height: 423 - url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-1_624x351.png width: 624 height: 351 - url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-1_224x126.png width: 224 height: 126 source-image: url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1600 height: 900 - thumbnails: - url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-2_1248x702.png width: 1248 height: 702 - url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-2_752x423.png width: 752 height: 423 - url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-2_624x351.png width: 624 height: 351 - url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-2_224x126.png width: 224 height: 126 source-image: url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1600 height: 900 - thumbnails: - url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-3_1248x702.png width: 1248 height: 702 - url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-3_752x423.png width: 752 height: 423 - url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-3_624x351.png width: 624 height: 351 - url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-3_224x126.png width: 224 height: 126 source-image: url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 1600 height: 900 - thumbnails: - url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-4_1248x702.png width: 1248 height: 702 - url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-4_752x423.png width: 752 height: 423 - url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-4_624x351.png width: 624 height: 351 - url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-4_224x126.png width: 224 height: 126 source-image: url: com/play0ad/zeroad/57835afd3aeba08ea6de0466c5d5becf/screenshots/image-4_orig.png width: 1600 height: 900 ContentRating: oars-1.0: violence-cartoon: none violence-fantasy: none violence-realistic: intense violence-bloodshed: moderate violence-sexual: none drugs-alcohol: none drugs-narcotics: none drugs-tobacco: none sex-nudity: none sex-themes: none language-profanity: none language-humor: none language-discrimination: none social-chat: intense social-info: intense social-audio: none social-location: none social-contacts: none money-purchasing: none money-gambling: none --- Type: desktop-application ID: mcedit.desktop Package: mc Name: C: Midnight Commander editor Summary: tk: Metin faýllary editle mk: Уреди текстуални фајлови be: Рэдагаваньне тэкставых файлаў nb: Rediger tekstfiler ml: വാചക രചനകള് തിരുത്തുക lv: Rediģēt teksta failus sv: Redigera textfiler cs: Úprava textových souborů nn: Rediger tekstfiler fa: ﻭیﺭﺍیﺵ پﺭﻮﻧﺪﻫ<200c>ﻫﺍی ﻢﺘﻧی pt_BR: Edite arquivos de texto ta: உரை கோப்புகளை தொகுக்கவும் C: Edit text files ru: Редактор текстовых файлов sk: Úprava textových súborov he: ערוך קבצי טקסט 'no': Rediger tekstfiler bg: Редактиране на текстови файлове el: Επεξεργασία αρχείων κειμένου sl: Urejanje datotek z besedili bs: Izmijeni tekstualne datoteke mn: Текст файл боловсруулах af: Redigeer tekslêers ar: ﺡﺭّﺭ ﻢﻠﻓﺎﺗ ﻦﺼﻳﺓ hr: Uređivanje tekstualne datoteke or: ପାଠ୍ଯ ଫାଇଲଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ସମ୍ପାଦନ କରନ୍ତୁ sr@Latn: Izmeni tekstualne datoteke ne: पाठ फाइललाई संशोधन गर्नुहोस् it: Modifica file di testo pt: Editar ficheiros de texto en_CA: Edit text files da: Redigér tekstfiler zh_CN: 编辑文本文件 hi: पाठ फ़ाइलें संपादित करें kn: ಪಠ್ಯ ಕಡತಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸು ca: Edita fitxers de text ja: テキスト・ファイルを編集します hu: Szövegfájlok szerkesztése fr: Édite des fichiers texte mr: गद्य फाइल संपादित करा tr: Metin dosyalarını düzenle cy: Golygu ffeiliau testun ro: Editare fişiere text ko: 텍스트 파일을 편집합니다 pl: Edytor plików tekstowych sq: Përpuno files teksti ms: Edit fail teks pa: ਪਾਠ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਸੰਪਾਦਨ gu: લખાણ ફાઇલોમાં ફેરફાર કરો wa: Asspougnî des fitchîs tecses th: แก้ไขแฟ้มข้อความ sr: Измени текстуалне датотеке de: Textdateien bearbeiten vi: Soạn thảo tập tin văn bản fi: Muokkaa tekstitiedostoja es: Edita archivos de texto bn: টেক্স্ট ফাইল এডিট করুন zh_TW: 編輯文字檔 uk: Редактор текстових файлів am: የጽሑፍ ፋይሎች ያስተካክሉ en_GB: Edit text files et: Redigeeri tekstifaile lt: Redaguoti tekstines bylas nl: Tekstbestanden bewerken id: Edit file teks ga: Eagar comhad Téacs eu: Editatu testu-fitxategiak az: Mətn fayllarını redaktə edin Description: C: >-GNU Midnight Commander is a text-mode full-screen file manager. It uses a two panel interface and a subshell for command execution. It includes an internal editor with syntax highlighting and an internal viewer with support for binary files. Also included is Virtual Filesystem (VFS), that allows files on remote systems (e.g. FTP, SSH servers) and files inside archives to be manipulated like real files.
en: >-GNU Midnight Commander is a text-mode full-screen file manager. It uses a two panel interface and a subshell for command execution. It includes an internal editor with syntax highlighting and an internal viewer with support for binary files. Also included is Virtual Filesystem (VFS), that allows files on remote systems (e.g. FTP, SSH servers) and files inside archives to be manipulated like real files.
Categories: - Utility - TextEditor Keywords: C: - editor - console - text Icon: cached: - name: mc_MidnightCommander.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: mc_MidnightCommander.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: MidnightCommander Launchable: desktop-id: - mcedit.desktop --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer1.0-qt6 Package: gstreamer1.0-qt6 Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: C: GStreamer plugin for Qt6 en: GStreamer plugin for Qt6 --- Type: addon ID: evolution-pst Package: evolution-plugin-pstimport Extends: - org.gnome.Evolution.desktop ProjectLicense: LGPL Name: oc: Importacion Outlook PST be: Імпартаванне Outlook PST ie: Importation de PST de Outlook ca@valencia: Importador de PST de l'Outlook be@latin: Imparter PST z Outlooka nb: Outlook PST-import ml: Outlook PST ഇംപോര്ട്ട് lv: Outlook PST imports sv: Outlooks PST-importör cs: Import pro Outlook PST fa: درونریزی PST اوتلوک pt_BR: Importador de arquivos PST do Outlook ta: அவுட்லுக் பிஎஸ்டி இறக்குமதி C: Outlook PST import ru: Импортирование из файлов PST sk: Import Outlook PST he: ייבוא מקבצי PST של Outlook bg: Внасяне на файлове PST от Outlook el: Εισαγωγή Outlook PST sl: Uvažanje podatkov Outlook PST bs: Outlook PST uvoz hr: Outlook PST uvoz or: ଆଉଟଲୁକ PST ଆମଦାନି it: Importazione Outlook PST pt: Importador de PST do Outlook as: Outlook PST ইমপোৰ্ট ব্যবস্থা sr@latin: Autluk PST uvoz da: Outlook PST-import zh_CN: Outlook PST 导入 eo: Outlook PST enporto te: Outlook PST దిగుమతి zh_HK: Outlook PST 匯入 ug: Outlook PST نى ئېلىپ كىرىدۇ hi: आउटलुक पीएसटी आयात kn: Outlook PST ಆಮದು ca: Importador de PST de l'Outlook ja: Outlook PST のインポート hu: Outlook PST importáló fr: Importation Outlook PST mr: Outlook PST आयात करा tr: Outlook PST aktar ko: 아웃룩 PST 가져오기 ro: Import PST Outlook pl: Importer danych PST programu Outlook vi: Nhập PST Outlook ms: Import PST Outlook pa: Outlook PST ਇੰਪੋਰਟ gu: આઉટલુક PST આયાત th: นำเข้า Outlook PST de: Outlook PST-Importeur sr: Аутлук ПСТ увоз ast: Importador PST d'Outlook fi: Outlookin PST-tuoja es: Importador PST de Outlook bn: Outlook PST ইম্পোর্ট ব্যবস্থা zh_TW: Outlook PST 匯入 uk: Імпорту Outlook PST en_GB: Outlook PST import et: Outlooki PST-importija lt: Outlook PST importavimas bn_IN: Outlook PST ইম্পোর্ট ব্যবস্থা fur: Importazion Outlook PST nl: Outlook PST-import gl: Importación do PST do Outlook id: Impor PST Outlook an: Importador PST d'Outlook mk: Увезување на Outlook PST eu: Outlook PST inportatzailea Summary: oc: Importacion de messatges Outlook a partir d'un fichièr PST be: Імпартаванне паведамленняў Outlook з файла PST ie: Importar missages ex un file PST de Outlook ca@valencia: Importa els missatges de l'Outlook a partir del fitxer PST be@latin: Impartuj listy Outlook z fajłu PST nb: Importer Outlook-meldinger fra PST-fil ml: PST ഫയലില് നിന്നും മെയില് ഇംപോര്ട്ട് ചെയ്യുക. lv: Importēt Outlook vēstules no PST datnes sv: Importera Outlook-meddelanden från PST-fil cs: Import zpráv aplikace Outlook ze souboru PST fa: درونریزی پیامهای اوتلوک از پروندهٔ PST pt_BR: Importar mensagens do Outlook a partir de um arquivo PST ta: பிஎஸ்டி கோப்பிலிருந்து அவுட்லுக் அஞ்சல்களை இறக்குமதி செய்க C: Import Outlook messages from PST file ru: Импорт сообщений Outlook из файла PST sk: Importovať Outlook správy z PST súboru bg: Внасяне на поща от Outlook чрез файл във формат PST. el: Εισαγωγή των μηνυμάτων του Outlook από αρχείο PST sl: Vstavek omogoča uvažanje sporočil Outlook Express v zapisu PST. bs: Uvozi Outlook poruke iz datoteke PST ar: استيراد رسائل Outlook من ملف PST hr: Uvezite Outlook poruke iz PST datoteke or: Outlook ସନ୍ଦେଶଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ PST ଫାଇଲରୁ ଆମଦାନୀ କରନ୍ତୁ it: Importa messaggi di Outlook da un file PST pt: Importar mensagens Outlook de um ficheiro PST as: PST ফাইল পৰা Outlook বাৰ্তা ইমপোৰ্ট কৰক sr@latin: Uvozi Autluk poruke iz PST datoteke da: Importér Outlook-breve fra PST-fil zh_CN: 从 PST 文件中导入 Outlook 邮件 eo: Enporti Outlook-mesaĝojn el PST-dosiero te: PST ఫైలు నుండి Outlook సందేశములను దిగుమతిచేయుము zh_HK: 從 PST 檔案匯入 Outlook 郵件 ug: PST ھۆججىتىدىن Outlook Express ئۇچۇرلىرىنى ئېلىپ كىرىدۇ hi: PST फ़ाइल से आउटलुक संदेश आयात करें kn: PST ಕಡತವನ್ನು Outlook ಸಂದೇಶಗಳನ್ನು ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಿಕೊ ca: Importa els missatges de l'Outlook a partir del fitxer PST ja: PST ファイルから Outlook のメッセージをインポートするプラグインです。 hu: Outlook levelek importálása PST fájlból fr: Importation de messages Outlook à partir d’un fichier PST mr: PST फाइल पासून Outlook संदेश आयात करा tr: Outlook iletilerini PST dosyasından içe aktar ko: PST 파일의 아웃룩 메시지를 가져옵니다 ro: Importă mesajele Outlook de la un fișier PST pl: Importowanie wiadomości z programu Outlook z pliku PST vi: Nhập các thư Outlook từ tập tin PST ms: Import mesej Outlook dari fail PST pa: PST ਫਾਇਲ ਤੋਂ ਆਉਟਲੁੱਕ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਇੰਪੋਰਟ gu: PST ફાઇલ માંથી આઉટલુક સંદેશાઓ ને આયાત કરો th: นำเข้าเมล Outlook จากแฟ้ม PST de: Outlook-Nachrichten aus einer PST-Datei importieren sr: Увози Аутлук поруке из ПСТ датотеке ast: Importar mensaxes d'Outlook dende un ficheru PST fi: Tuo Outlook-viestejä PST-tiedostosta es: Importar mensajes de Outlook desde un archivo PST bn: PST ফাইল থেকে Outlook বার্তা ইম্পোর্ট করুন zh_TW: 從 PST 檔案匯入 Outlook 郵件 uk: Імпорт повідомлень Outlook з PST файлу en_GB: Import Outlook messages from PST file et: Outlooki kirjade importimine PST-failist lt: Importuoti Outlook laiškus iš PST failo gl: Importar as mensaxes do Outlook desde un ficheiro PST fur: Impuarte messaçs di Outlook di un file PST nl: Outlook-berichten importeren uit PST-bestand id: Mengimpor pesan Outlook dari berkas PST an: Importar os mensaches de l'Outlook dende un fichero PST bn_IN: PST ফাইল থেকে Outlook বার্তা ইম্পোর্ট করুন eu: Inportatu Outlook posta PST fitxategitik mk: Увези пораки од Outlook од PST датотека Url: homepage: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/evolution/-/wikis/ --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gnome.Evolution.desktop Package: evolution ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ and GFDL-1.3 Name: bn_IN: Evolution az: Evolution nds: Evolution oc: Evolution be: Evolution ie: Evolution ca@valencia: Evolution be@latin: Evolution nb: Evolution ml: ഇവല്യൂഷന് lv: Evolution sv: Evolution cs: Evolution nn: Evolution fa: اوولوشن pt_BR: Evolution ta: எவல்யூஷன் C: Evolution ru: Evolution br: Evolution sk: Evolution xh: I-Evolution he: Evolution bg: Evolution el: Evolution en@shaw: "·\U00010467\U0001045D\U00010469\U00010464\U00010475\U00010456\U00010469\U0001046F" sl: Evolution bs: Evolution mai: Evolution mn: Эволюшин af: Evolution kk: Evolution ar: افلوشن hr: Evolution or: କ୍ରମବିକାଶ rw: Impinduka ne: इभोल्युसन it: Evolution pt: Evolution en_CA: Evolution as: Evolution da: Evolution ka: Evolution sr@latin: Evolucija zh_CN: Evolution eo: Evolucio te: ఎవాల్యూషన్ zh_HK: Evolution ug: Evolution hi: एवोल्यूशन kn: Evolution ca: Evolution ja: Evolution hu: Evolution dz: ཨི་བོ་ལུ་ཤཱན། fr: Evolution mr: एव्हल्युशन tr: Evolution ko: 에볼루션 cy: Evolution ro: Evolution pl: Evolution sq: Evolution ms: Evolution pa: ਈਵੇਲੂਸ਼ਨ gu: Evolution wa: Evolution th: Evolution de: Evolution sr: Еволуција vi: Evolution ast: Evolution fi: Evolution es: Evolution bn: Evolution zh_TW: Evolution uk: Evolution en_GB: Evolution et: Evolution lt: Evolution ab: Evolution gl: Evolution fur: Evolution nl: Evolution id: Evolution an: Evolution si: ඉවෝලුශන් ga: Evolution mk: Evolution eu: Evolution Summary: bn_IN: ই-মেইল, পরিচিতি ও কর্মতালিকা এখানে কনফিগার করুন oc: Gerir vòstres corrièls, contactes e agendas be: Кіраванне поштай, кантактамі і раскладам ca@valencia: Gestioneu els correus electrònics, contactes i horaris be@latin: Pracuj z poštaj, kantaktami j pracoŭnym raskładam nb: Håndter e-post, kontakter og kalender ml: നിങ്ങളുടെ ഈ മെയില് , കോണ്ടാക്റ്റുകള്, ഷെഡ്യൂള് ഇവിടെ ക്രമീകരിക്കുക lv: Pārvaldiet savu e-pastu, kontaktus un grafiku sv: Hantera din e-post, kontakter och schema cs: Spravujte svůj e-mail, kontakty a rozvrh nn: Handsama epost, kontaktar og timeplan fa: رایانامه، آشنایان و برنامهریزیتان را مدیریت کنید pt_BR: Gerencie seus e-mails, contatos e programação ta: உங்கள் மின்னஞ்சல் தொடர்புகள் மற்றும் கால ஒதுக்கீடுகள் ஆகியவற்றை மேலாளவும் C: Manage your email, contacts and schedule ru: Управление электронной почтой, контактами и расписанием sk: Spravuje váš email, kontakty a časový plán he: נהל את הדוא"ל, אנשי הקשר ולוח הזמנים שלך bg: Управление на поща, контакти и разписания el: Διαχείριση της αλληλογραφίας, των επαφών και του χρόνου σας en@shaw: "\U00010465\U00010468\U0001046F\U00010466\U00010461 \U0001047F\U0001047C \U00010470\U00010465\U00010471\U00010464, \U00010452\U0001046A\U0001046F\U00010451\U00010468\U00010452\U00010451\U00010455 \U0001046F \U00010456\U00010467\U0001045B\U0001047F\U00010464" sl: Enostavno upravljanje s pošto, stiki, urniki in razporedi bs: Upravlja poštom, kontaktima i obavezama is: Sjá um tölvupóst, tengiliði og dagbók ps: خپل برېښليکونه، اړيکلوري او مهالوېش سمبال کړﺉ af: Bestuur pos, kontakte en skedule kk: Пошта, контакттар және жоспарыңызды басқару ar: أدِر بريدك الإلكتروني ومتراسليك وجدولك hr: Upravljajte svojom e-poštom, kontaktima i rasporedom or: ଆପଣଙ୍କ ମେଲକୁ ପରିଚାଳନା କରନ୍ତୁ, ଯୋଗାଯୋଗ ଏବଂ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟସୂଚୀ it: Gestisce le proprie email, i contatti e progetti pt: Para gerir o seu correio eletrónico, contactos e agenda as: আপোনাৰ ই-মেইল একাওন্টসমূহকে ইয়াত বিন্যাস কৰক da: Håndtér dine e-mails, kontaktpersoner og din tidsplan sr@latin: Upravljajte vašom poštom, kontaktima i obavezama zh_CN: 配置您的电子邮件,联系人和日程表 eo: Administri viajn retpoŝton, kontaktojn kaj planojn te: మీ ఈమెయిల్ ను నిర్వహించుము, పరిచయాలు మరియు ప్రణాళిక zh_HK: 管理你的郵件、聯絡人和行程 ug: ئېلخەت، ئالاقەداشلار ۋە پىلانىڭىزنى باشقۇرىدۇ hi: अपना ईमेल संपर्क व योजना प्रबंधित करें kn: ನಿಮ್ಮ ವಿಅಂಚೆ, ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ಹಾಗು ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ರಮಗಳನ್ನು ನಿರ್ವಹಿಸು ca: Gestioneu els correus electrònics, contactes i horaris ja: メールや連絡先、予定などを管理します hu: E-mailek, névjegyek és határidők kezelése dz: ཁྱོད་རའི་གློག་འཕྲིན་དང་ འབྲེལ་ས་ དེ་ལས་ འཆར་རིམ་ཚུ་ འཛིན་སྐྱོང་འབད་ fr: Gérer vos courriels, contacts et agendas mr: तुमचे ईमेल, संपर्क व वेळपत्रकाचे निरीक्षण करा tr: E-postalarını, bağlantılarınızı ve randevularınızı yönetin ko: 전자메일, 연락처, 일정을 관리합니다 ro: Administrează email-urile, contactele și întâlnirile pl: Zarządzanie wiadomościami, kontaktami i terminarzem sq: Menazhon postën personale, kontakte dhe projekte ms: Urus emel, hubungan dan jadual anda pa: ਆਪਣਾ ਈ-ਮੇਲ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ, ਸੰਪਰਕ ਅਤੇ ਸ਼ੈਡਿਊਲ ਦਾ ਪਰਬੰਧ ਕਰੋ gu: તમારું ઈમેઈલ, સંપર્કો અને સમયક્રમની વ્યવસ્થા કરો th: จัดการอีเมล ผู้ติดต่อ และนัดหมายของคุณ de: Ihre E-Mails, Kontakte und Terminplanung verwalten sr: Управљајте вашом поштом, контактима и обавезама vi: Quản lý thư tín, lịch biểu và các liên lạc ast: Xestiona'l corréu-e, contautos y calendariu fi: Hallitse sähköposteja, yhteystietoja, tehtäviä ja kalenteria es: Gestione su correo-e, contactos y calendario bn: ই-মেইল, পরিচিতি ও কর্মতালিকা এখানে কনফিগার করুন zh_TW: 管理您的郵件、連絡人和行程 uk: Ваша електронна пошта та розклад en_GB: Manage your email, contacts and schedule et: Oma e-posti, kontaktide ja kalendri haldamine lt: Tvarkykite savo el. paštą, kontaktus ir kalendorių gl: Xestione o seu correo, contactos e programación fur: Gjestìs lis tôs e-mail, i contats e lis planificazions nl: Uw e-mail, adresboek en agenda beheren id: Mengelola surel, kontak, dan jadwal Anda an: Chestiona lo tuyo correu electronico, contactos y calandario ga: Bainstigh do chuid ríomhphoist, do chuid teagmhálacha agus do sceideal mk: Менаџирајте со Вашата е-пошта, контакти и распоред eu: Kudeatu zure posta-kontuak, kontaktuak eta antolaketa Description: he: >-Evolution is a personal information management application that provides integrated mail, calendaring and address book functionality.
Evolution supports a wide range of industry standard data formats and network protocols for information exchange, with an emphasis on standards compliance and security. Evolution can also integrate smoothly with Microsoft Exchange by way of the “Exchange Web Services” (EWS) extension.
fur: >-Evolution e je une aplicazion pe gjestion des informazions personâls che e furnìs funzionalitâts integradis di pueste, calendari e rubriche.
Evolution al supuarte une vore di formâts di dâts standard di setôr e protocoi di rêt pal scambi di informazions, cuntun voli di rivuart ae conformitât dai standard e ae sigurece. Evolution al pues ancje integrâsi cence fastidis cun Microsoft Exchange par mieç de estension “Servizis web di Exchange” (EWS).
eu: >-Evolution informazio pertsonala kudeatzeko aplikazio bat da, bateratutako posta elektronikoa, egutegia eta helbide-liburuaren funtzionalitatea eskaintzen du.
Evolution-ek industriaren datu-formatuen eta sareko protokoloen barruti handia onartzen du informazioa trukatzeko, eta bereziki estandarrak eta segurtasuna betetzen du. Evolution-ek Microsoft Exchange-rekin ere bateratzen da “Exchange Web Services” (EWS) hedapenaren bidez.
ca@valencia: >-L'Evolution és una aplicació de gestió d'informació personal que proporciona funcions integrades de correu, de calendari i de llibreta d'adreces.
L'Evolution és compatible amb un gran ventall de formats estàndard de dades i de protocols de xarxa per a l'intercanvi d'informació, amb un èmfasi en el compliment d'estàndards i de seguretat. L'Evolution també pot integrar-se sense problemes amb el Microsoft Exchange amb l'extensió «Exchange Web Services» (EWS).
nb: >-Evolution er et program for håndtering av personlig informasjon som gir deg integrert e-post, kalender og adressebokfunksjonalitet.
Evolution støtter en rekke forskjellige industristandarder for dataformater og nettverksprotokoller for utveksling av informasjon med fokus på standarder og sikkerhet. Evolution kan også integreres med Microsoft Exchange via «Exchange Web Services» (EWS) utvidelsen.
zh_CN: >-Evolution 是一款个人信息管理应用,提供集成的邮件、日历和地址簿功能。
Evolution 支持众多的工业标准数据格式和信息交换的网络协议,同时强调标准兼容性和安全性。Evolution 也能与 Microsoft Exchange 通过“Exchange 网络服务”(EWS) 扩展进行顺利集成。
pt_BR: >-Evolution é um aplicativo de gerenciamento de informações pessoais que provê funcionalidades de correio, agenda e catálogo de endereços.
Evolution tem suporte uma ampla gama de formatos de dados padrão da indústria e protocolos de rede para troca de informações, com ênfase em padrões de conformidade e segurança. O Evolution também pode integrar perfeitamente com o Microsoft Exchange por meio da extensão “Exchange Web Services” (EWS).
de: >-Evolution ist eine Anwendung zur Verwaltung persönlicher Informationen, die ein E-Mail-Programm, einen Kalender und ein Adressbuch enthält.
Evolution unterstützt eine Vielzahl von industriellen Standard-Formaten und Netzwerk-Protokollen zum Informationsaustausch, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Standard-Konformität und Sicherheit. Evolution arbeitet außerdem problemlos mit Microsoft Exchange mittels der Erweiterung »Exchange Web Services« (EWS) zusammen.
ms: >-Evolution ialah aplikasi pengurusan maklumat peribadi yang menyediakan kefungsian mel, kalendar dan buku alamat bersepadu.
Evolution menyokong sebahagian besar format data piawai industri dan protokol-protokol rangkaian untuk pertukaran maklumat, dengan penekanan terhadap pematuhan piawaian dan keselamatan. Evolution juga boleh disepadukan dengan Microsoft Exchange secara lancar melalui sambungan “Exchange Web Services” (EWS).
be: >-Evolution гэта праграма для кіравання асабістай інфармацыяй, уключаючы электронную пошту, каляндар і адрасную кнігу.
Evolution падтрымлівае шырокае кола прамысловых стандартаў фарматаў даных і сеткавых пратаколаў з акцэнтам на адпаведнасць стандартам і бяспеку. Evolution можа гладкім чынам узаемадзейнічаць з Microsoft Exchange з дапамогай пашырэння "Exchange Web Services" (EWS).
pt: >-O Evolution é uma aplicação de gestão de informação pessoal que disponibiliza funcionalidades de correio eletrónico, calendários e livros de endereços integrados.
O Evolution suporta uma gama alargada de padrões de formato de dados e protocolos de rede para troca de informação, com ênfase na adequação a padrões e na segurança. O Evolution também se pode integrar facilmente com o Microsoft Exchange através da extensão “Exchange Web Services” (EWS).
gl: >-Evolution é unha aplicación de xestión de información persoal que lle fornece funcionalidades integradas de correo electrónico, calendario e axenda de enderezos.
Evolution admite un amplo conxunto de formatos de datos estándar na industria e protocolos estándares de intercambio de información, xa que lle fornece un gran apoio ao cumprimento de estándares e seguridade. Evolution tamén pode integrarse perfectamente con Microsoft Exchange empregando a extensión "Exchange Web Services" (EWS).
hr: >-Evolution je aplikacija upravljanja osobnim informacijama koja pruža integriranu funkcionalnost e-pošte, kalendara i adresara.
Evolution podržava širok raspon industrijskih standarda formata vremena i mrežnih protokola za razmjenu informacija, s naglaskom na usklađenost standarda i sigurnosti. Evolution se isto tako može lagano integrirati s Microsoft Exchangom putem “Exchange Web Services” (EWS) proširenja.
ro: >-Evolution este o aplicație de administrare a informațiilor personale ce oferă email integrat, funcții de calendar și agendă.
Evolution suportă o gamă variată de formate de date standard și protocoale de rețea pentru a schimba informații, cu o accentuare pe conformitatea la standarde și securitate. Evolution se poate de asemenea integra lin cu Microsoft Exchange prin extensia „Exchange Web Services” (EWS).
fa: >-اوولوشن یک برنامهٔ مدیریت اطّلعات شخصی است که امکانات نامهٔ یکپارچه، تقویم و دفترچه نشانی را فراهم میکند.
اوللوشن بازهٔ گستردهای از قالبهای دادهٔ استاندارد صنعتی و قراردادهای شبکه برای تبادل اطّلاعات را با تأکید بر پیروی از استانداردها و امنیت، پشتیبانی میکند. همچنین اوولوشن میتواند از رطیق افزونهٔ خدمات وب اکسچنج (EWS) به راحتی با اکسچنج مایکروسافت یکپارچه شود.
ru: >-Evolution — приложение для управления персональной информацией, которое включает в себя почту, календарь и адресную книгу.
Evolution поддерживает широкий спектр промышленных стандартов форматов данных и сетевых протоколов для обмена информации, с упором на совместимость со стандартами и конфиденциальность. Evolution поддерживает интеграцию с Microsoft Exchange посредством расширения Exchange Web Services (EWS).
C: >-Evolution is a personal information management application that provides integrated mail, calendaring and address book functionality.
Evolution supports a wide range of industry standard data formats and network protocols for information exchange, with an emphasis on standards compliance and security. Evolution can also integrate smoothly with Microsoft Exchange by way of the “Exchange Web Services” (EWS) extension.
fr: >-Evolution est une application de gestion des informations personnelles qui regroupe les fonctions de courriel, d’agenda et de carnet d’adresses.
Evolution prend en charge un large éventail de formats et de protocoles réseaux standards de l’industrie de l’échange d’informations, avec un fort accent mis sur la compatibilité et la sécurité. Evolution peut aussi facilement s’intégrer à Microsoft Exchange grâce à l’extension « Exchange Web Services » (EWS).
da: >-Evolution er et program til håndtering af personlig information, som indeholder integreret funktionalitet til e-mails, kalender og adressebøger.
Evolution understøtter en bred vifte af industristandardiserede dataformater og netværksprotokoller til informationsudveksling, med fokus på overensstemmelse med standarderne og sikkerhed. Evolution kan også på nem vis integreres med Microsoft Exchange ved hjælp at “Exchange Web Services”-udvidelsen (EWS).
uk: >-Evolution — програма керування особистими відомостями, яка забезпечує спільні можливості пошти, календаря та адресної книги.
Evolution підтримує широкий ряд стандартних форматів даних і мережевих протоколів для обміну інформацією, орієнтуючись на догідливість стандартам і безпеки. Evolution також інтегровано з Microsoft Exchange через розширення «Exchange Web Services» (EWS).
lt: >-Evolution yra asmeninė informacijos valdymo programa, kuri suteikia integruotą pašto, kalendoriaus ir adresų knygos funkcionalumą.
Evolution palaiko daug standartinių duomenų formatų bei tinklo protokolų apsikeitimui informacija, ypač siekiant suderinamumo su standartais bei saugumo. Evolution taip pat gali sklandžiai integruotis su Microsoft Exchange naudojant „Exchange Web Services“ plėtinį.
sv: >-Evolution är ett program som hanterar personlig information, med funktionalitet såsom E-post, Kalender och Adressbok.
Evolution stöder ett stort antal dataformat av industristandard och nätverksprotokoll för informationsutbyte, med en tonvikt på att uppfylla standarder och säkerhet. Evolution kan också enkelt användas med Microsoft Exchange genom användning av tillägget ”Exchange Web Services” (EWS).
sk: >-Evolution je aplikácia na správu osobných informácií, ktorá poskytuje integrované funkcie na správu pošty, kalendára a adresára kontaktov.
Program Evolution podporuje veľké množstvo formátov údajov a sieťových protokolov slúžiacich na výmenu údajov, s dôrazom na dodržanie štandardov a bezpečnosti. Program Evolution sa dokáže jednoducho integrovať so službou Microsoft Exchange pomocou rozšírenia EWS „Exchange Web Services“.
ca: >-L'Evolution és una aplicació de gestió d'informació personal que proporciona funcions integrades de correu, de calendari i de llibreta d'adreces.
L'Evolution és compatible amb un gran ventall de formats estàndard de dades i de protocols de xarxa per a l'intercanvi d'informació, amb un èmfasi en el compliment d'estàndards i de seguretat. L'Evolution també pot integrar-se sense problemes amb el Microsoft Exchange amb l'extensió «Serveis web de l'Exchange» (EWS).
it: >-Evolution è un'applicazione per la gestione delle informazioni personali che fornisce funzionalità integrate di posta, calendario e rubrica.
Evolution supporta una vasta gamma di formati di dati standard di settore e protocolli di rete per lo scambio di informazioni, con particolare attenzione alla conformità degli standard e alla sicurezza. Evolution può anche integrarsi senza problemi con Microsoft Exchange tramite l'estensione «Servizi web di Exchange» (EWS).
es: >-Evolution es una aplicación de gestión de información personal que integra funcionalidades de correo, calendario y libreta de direcciones.
Evolution soporta un amplio rango de estándares industriales de formatos de datos y protocolos de red para intercambiar información, haciendo hincapié en el cumplimiento de estándares y de seguridad. Evolution también se puede integrar con Microsoft Exchange usando la extensión «Exchange Web Services» (EWS).
ko: >-에볼루션은 개인 정보 관리 앱으로 메일, 달력, 주소록 기능이 통합되어 있습니다.
에볼루션은 광범위한 산업 표준 데이터 포맷과 정보 교환용 네트워크 프로토콜을 표준 준수와 보안을 염두에 두고 지원합니다. 또 에볼루션은 “익스체인지 웹 서비스”(EWS) 확장 기능을 이용해 마이크로소프트 익스체인지와 연동할 수도 있습니다.
sl: >-Program Evolution je osebni upravljalnik podatkov, povezanih z elektronsko pošto, koledarjem in imenikom.
Program Evolution podpira širok nabor standardnih podatkovnih zapisov in omrežnih protokolov za izmenjavo podatkov. Poudarjeni so standardi, ki so nujni zaradi splošne uporabnosti in varnosti. Program podpira tudi povezavo s sistemom Microsoft Exchange prek razširitve EWS – »Exchange Web Services».
en_GB: >-Evolution is a personal information management application that provides integrated mail, calendaring and address book functionality.
Evolution supports a wide range of industry standard data formats and network protocols for information exchange, with an emphasis on standards compliance and security. Evolution can also integrate smoothly with Microsoft Exchange by way of the “Exchange Web Services” (EWS) extension.
tr: >-Evolution, tümleşik posta, takvim ve adres defteri işlevlerini sunan kişisel bilgi yönetimi uygulamasıdır.
Evolution, bilgi alışverişi için standart veri biçimleri ve ağ iletişim kurallarının birçoğunu destekler. Bunu standartlarla uyum ve güvenli biçimde yapar. Evolution, “Exchange Web Services” (EWS) eklentisi kullanarak Microsoft Exchange ile de sorunsuzca tümleşebilir.
id: >-Evolution adalah aplikasi manajemen informasi personal yang menyediakan fungsionalitas buku alamat, kalender, dan surel terintegrasi.
Evolution mendukung protokol jaringan dan format data standar industri yang luas untuk pertukaran informasi, dengan penekanan pada keamanan dan kepatuhan standar. Evolution juga dapat mengintegrasi secara mulus dengan Microsoft Exchange melalui ekstensi "Exchange Web Services" (EWS).
cs: >-Evolution je aplikace sloužící ke správě osobních informací. Pro tento účel poskytuje integrovaný e-mail, kalendář a adresář.
Evolution podporuje širokou škálu datových formátů a síťových protokolů sloužících k výměně informací, vše s důrazem na dodržování standardů a bezpečnost. Lze jej také hladce integrovat s Microsoft Exchange pomocí rozšíření EWS (Exchange Web Service).
sr: >-Еволуција је програм за управљање личним подацима који обезбеђује обједињену функционалност поште, календара и именика.
Еволуција подржава широк опсег записа индустријских стандардних података и мрежних протокола за размену информација, са нагласком на сагласност стандарда и безбедност. Еволуција може такође глатко да се обједини са Мајкрософтовом разменом посредством проширења „Услуге веб размене“ (EWS).
fi: >-Evolution on ohjelma, joka tarjoaa integroidun sähköpostin, kalenterin ja osoitekirjan toiminnot.
Evolution tukee lukuisia tiedostomuotoja ja verkkoprotokollaa tietoliikennettä varten, painottaen standardien noudattamista ja turvallisuutta. Evolution myös yhdistyy Microsoft Exchange -palvelimeen laajennuksen Exchange Web Services (EWS) avulla.
lv: >-Evolution ir personīgās informācijas pārvaldības lietotne, kas sniedz integrētu pasta, kalendāra un adrešu grāmatas funkcionalitāti.
Evolution atbalsta plašu industrijas standarta datu formātu un tīkla protokolu spektru informācijas apmaiņai, ar uzsvaru uz atbilstību standartiem un drošību. Evolution var integrēt ar Microsoft Exchange, izmantojot “Exchange Web Services” (EWS) paplašinājumu.
hu: >-Az Evolution egy személyes információkezelő alkalmazás, amely integrált levelező, naptárkezelő és címjegyzékfunkciókat biztosít.
Az Evolution adatcserére használt ipari szabvány adatformátumok és hálózati protokollok széles körét támogatja, a szabványoknak megfelelés és biztonság hangsúlyozásával. Az Evolution képes simán integrálódni a Microsoft Exchange-dzsel, az „Exchange Web Services” (EWS) kiterjesztés révén.
pl: >-Program Evolution pomaga zarządzać informacjami osobistymi, oferując funkcje klienta poczty e-mail, kalendarza oraz książki adresowej.
Program Evolution obsługuje szeroką gamę standardowych formatów zapisu danych i protokołów sieciowych do wymiany informacji. Szczególny nacisk położono na zgodność ze standardami i bezpieczeństwo. Program można także z łatwością zintegrować z systemem pocztowym Microsoft Exchange za pomocą rozszerzenia „Exchange Web Services” (EWS).
eo: >-Evolucio estas perona informomastruma aplikaĵo, kiu provizas integritan poŝtan, kalendaran kaj adresaran funkciado.
Evolucio subtenas larĝan amplekson da industriaj normoj kaj retaj protokoloj por interŝanĝo de informoj, kun emfazo je konformo al normoj kaj sekureco. Evolucio ankaŭ povas integri glate kun Microsoft Exchange tra la “Exchange Web Services” (EWS) etendaĵo.
nl: >-Evolution is een beheertoepassing voor persoonlijk informatie die geïntegreerde e-mail-, agenda- en adresboekfunctionaliteit levert.
Evolution ondersteunt veel industrie-gegevensformaten en netwerkprotocollen voor informatie-uitwisseling, met een nadruk op veiligheid en het naleven van standaarden. Evolution kan ook goed met Microsoft Exchange integreren door middel van de uitbreiding ‘Exchange Web Services’ (EWS).
sr@latin: >-Evolucija je program za upravljanje ličnim podacima koji obezbeđuje objedinjenu funkcionalnost pošte, kalendara i imenika.
Evolucija podržava širok opseg zapisa industrijskih standardnih podataka i mrežnih protokola za razmenu informacija, sa naglaskom na saglasnost standarda i bezbednost. Evolucija može takođe glatko da se objedini sa Majkrosoftovom razmenom posredstvom proširenja „Usluge veb razmene“ (EWS).
zh_TW: >-Evolution 是一套個人資訊管理應用程式,提供了整合郵件、行事曆和通訊錄等功能。
Evolution 支援了用於資訊交換的廣範圍的工業標準資料格式與網路協定,著重於標準的相容性與安全性。Evolution 也可以與 Microsoft Exchange 透過「Exchange 網頁服務」(EWS)延伸功能平順的整合。
ProjectGroup: GNOME Developer: name: he: צוות Evolution fur: Il grup di Evolution eu: Evolution taldea zh_TW: Evolution 小組 nb: Evolution utviklerene zh_CN: Evolution 团队 de: Das Evolution-Team pt_BR: A Equipe do Evolution ms: Pasukan Evolution pt: A Equipa do Evolution gl: O equipo do Evolution hr: Evolution tim ro: Echipa Evolution fa: گروه اوولوشن ru: Команда Evolution el: Η ομάδα του Evolution fr: L’équipe d’Evolution C: The Evolution Team da: Evolution-holdet uk: Команда розробників Evolution lt: Evolution komanda ca: L'equip de l'Evolution sk: Tím aplikácie Evolution sv: Evolution-teamet it: Il team di Evolution es: El equipo de Evolution ko: 에볼루션 팀 sl: Skupina Evolution en_GB: The Evolution Team tr: Evolution Takımı id: Tim Evolution cs: Tým Evolution sr: Тим Еволуције fi: Evolution Team lv: Evolution komanda pl: Zespół programu Evolution hu: Az Evolution csapata kk: Evolution тобы ie: Li equip de Evolution nl: Het Evolution-team pa: ਈਵੇਲੂਸ਼ਨ ਟੀਮ eo: La Evolucio-teamo sr@latin: Tim Evolucije Categories: - Office - Email - Calendar - ContactManagement Keywords: eu_ES: - posta - egutegia - kontaktua - helbide-liburua - zeregina es_MX: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea fr_CA: - courriel - agenda - calendrier - contact - carnet d’adresses - tâches kn_IN: - ಅಂಚೆ - ಕ್ಯಾಲೆಂಡರ್ - ಸಂಪರ್ಕ - ವಿಳಾಸಪುಸ್ತಕ - ಕಾರ್ಯ fa_IR: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - ایمیل - میل - رایانامه - تقویم - آشنایان - مخاطبان - آشنا - مخاطب - دفترچه - وظیفه - تکلیف it_CH: - email - mail - posta - calendario - contatti - rubrica - attività sl_SI: - elektronska pošta - koledar - stik - stiki - imenik - opravila - naloge es_PR: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea nl_BE: - email - e-mail - calendar - agenda - contact - addressbook - adresboek - task - taak pa_PK: - ਮੇਲ - ਕੈਲੰਡਰ - ਸੰਪਰਕ - ਐਡਰੈਸਬੁੱਕ - ਕੰਮ - ਟਾਸਕ C: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task kk_KZ: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - эл пошта - күнтізбе - контакт - адрестік кітапша - тапсырма ca_IT: - correu - calendari - contactes - llibreta d'adreces - tasca sv_SE: - epost - e-post - kalender - kontakt - adressbok - uppgifter - mail - email - todo fr_LU: - courriel - agenda - calendrier - contact - carnet d’adresses - tâches ia_FR: - email - calendario - contacto - libro de contactos - labor ko_KR: - email - 메일 - 전자메일 - 편지 - calendar - 달력 - 캘린더 - 일정 - contact - 연락처 - addressbook - 주소록 - task - 작업 - 할일 sv_FI: - epost - e-post - kalender - kontakt - adressbok - uppgifter - mail - email - todo oc_FR: - corrièr electronic - agenda - calendièr - contacte - quasernet d'adreças - prètzfaits de_LU: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe pl_PL: - email - mail - poczta - kalendarz - kontakt - książka adresowa - zadanie es_ES: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea ms_MY: - emel - kalendar - hubungan - bukualamat - tugas es_GT: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea ro_RO: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - agendă - sarcină - sarcini de_IT: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe ca_ES: - correu - calendari - contactes - llibreta d'adreces - tasca ca_FR: - correu - calendari - contactes - llibreta d'adreces - tasca tr_TR: - eposta - takvim - bağlantı - adres - defter - görev ru_RU: - почта - календарь - контакт - адресная - книга - задача - задание eo_US: - retpoŝto - kalendaro - kontakto - kontaktaro - tasko ja_JP: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - mail - E-メール - Eメール - 電子メール - 電子メイル - カレンダー - 暦 - コンタクト - 連絡先 - 相手 - 相手先 - アドレス帳 - 電話帳 - タスク - 作業 - 仕事 fur_IT: - e-mail - mail - pueste - calendari - contats - rubriche - ativitât es_HN: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea sr_RS: - е-пошта - пошта - календар - контакт - адресар - именик - задатак - мејл - e-pošta - pošta - kalendar - kontakt - adresar - imenik - zadatak - mejl - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task tr_CY: - eposta - takvim - bağlantı - adres - defter - görev es_CR: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea es_AR: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea pa_IN: - ਮੇਲ - ਕੈਲੰਡਰ - ਸੰਪਰਕ - ਐਡਰੈਸਬੁੱਕ - ਕੰਮ - ਟਾਸਕ es_VE: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea de_AT: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe fr_FR: - courriel - agenda - calendrier - contact - carnet d’adresses - tâches es_NI: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea nl_AW: - email - e-mail - calendar - agenda - contact - addressbook - adresboek - task - taak de_LI: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe es_CU: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea pt_PT: - correio - correio eletrónico - mensagem - calendário - contacto - compromisso - livro - endereços - tarefa lt_LT: - paštas - kalendorius - kontaktai - adresų knyga - užduotis hu_HU: - levél - naptár - névjegy - címjegyzék - feladat es_BO: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea eo: - retpoŝto - kalendaro - kontakto - kontaktaro - tasko es_DO: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea it_IT: - email - mail - posta - calendario - contatti - rubrica - attività es_PE: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea szl_PL: - email - mail - poczta - kalyndorz - kōntakt - ksiōnżka adresowo - zadanie - zadania gl_ES: - correo - calendario - contacto - caderno de enderezos - tarefas cs_CZ: - pošta - e-mail - kalendář - kontakt - adresář - úkol es_CO: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea zh_HK: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - 電子郵件 - 行事曆 - 聯絡人 - 通訊錄 - 工作 es_CL: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea bg_BG: - поща - е-поща - календар - контакт - адресник - задача - mail - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task zh_CN: - mail - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - 邮件 - 日历 - 联系人 - 地址簿 - 任务 es_PA: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea be_BY: - пошта - каляндар - кантакт - адрасная кніга - заданне nl_NL: - email - e-mail - calendar - agenda - contact - addressbook - adresboek - task - taak de_CH: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe eu_FR: - posta - egutegia - kontaktua - helbide-liburua - zeregina uk_UA: - пошта - календар - контакт - адресна - книга - завдання nb_NO: - e-post - kalender - kontakt - adressebok - oppgave my_MM: - အီးမေးလ် - ပြက္ခဒိန် - ဆက်သွယ်ရန် - လိပ်စာစာအုပ် - လုပ်ငန်း fr_CH: - courriel - agenda - calendrier - contact - carnet d’adresses - tâches lv_LV: - e-pasts - pasts - kalendārs - kontakti - adrešu grāmata - uzdevums - vēstule ca_ES@valencia: - correu - calendari - contactes - llibreta d'adreces - tasca es_EC: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea be_BY@latin: - пошта - каляндар - кантакт - адрасная кніга - заданне de_DE: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe ru_UA: - почта - календарь - контакт - адресная - книга - задача - задание mr_IN: - ईमेल - दिनदर्शिका - संपर्क - पत्तापुस्तिका - कार्य af_ZA: - e-pos - kalender - kontak - adresboek - taak el_CY: - αλληλογραφία - ημερολόγιο - επαφή - βιβλίο διευθύνσεων - εργασία pt_BR: - correio - email - calendário - agenda - contato - catálogo de endereços - tarefa am_ET: - ኢሜይል - ቀን መቁጠሪያ - ግንኙነት - አድራሻ ደብተር - ስራዎች es_UY: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea sr_ME: - е-пошта - пошта - календар - контакт - адресар - именик - задатак - мејл - e-pošta - pošta - kalendar - kontakt - adresar - imenik - zadatak - mejl - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task da_DK: - email - e-mail - epost - e-post - kalender - kontakt - kontaktperson - adressebog - opgave fr_BE: - courriel - agenda - calendrier - contact - carnet d’adresses - tâches ca_AD: - correu - calendari - contactes - llibreta d'adreces - tasca el_GR: - αλληλογραφία - ημερολόγιο - επαφή - βιβλίο διευθύνσεων - εργασία sk_SK: - email - pošta - kalendár - kontakt - adresár kontaktov - úloha es_SV: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea zh_TW: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - 電子郵件 - 行事曆 - 連絡人 - 通訊錄 - 工作 es_PY: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea or_IN: - ଇମେଲ - କ୍ୟାଲେଣ୍ଡର - ସମ୍ପର୍କ - ଠିକଣାପୁସ୍ତକ - କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ hr_HR: - e-pošta - kalendar - kontakt - adresar - zadatak fi_FI: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - sähköposti - kalenteri - yhteystiedot - osoitekirja - tehtävä de_BE: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe bs_BA: - e-pošta - kalendar - kontakt:adresar - zadatak id_ID: - surel - kalender - kontak - buku alamat - tugas sr_RS@latin: - e-pošta - pošta - kalendar - kontakt - adresar - imenik - zadatak - mejl - e-pošta - pošta - kalendar - kontakt - adresar - imenik - zadatak - mejl - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task es_US: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea Url: homepage: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/evolution/-/wikis/home bugtracker: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/evolution/-/issues/ help: https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/evolution/help/ vcs-browser: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/evolution translate: https://l10n.gnome.org/module/evolution/ donation: https://www.gnome.org/donate/ Icon: cached: - name: evolution_evolution.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: evolution_evolution.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: evolution_evolution.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/icons/128x128/evolution_evolution.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: evolution Launchable: desktop-id: - org.gnome.Evolution.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - text/calendar - text/x-vcard - text/directory - application/mbox - message/rfc822 - x-scheme-handler/mailto - x-scheme-handler/mid - x-scheme-handler/webcal - x-scheme-handler/webcals - x-scheme-handler/calendar - x-scheme-handler/task - x-scheme-handler/memo - x-scheme-handler/ldap - x-scheme-handler/ldaps Screenshots: - default: true caption: fur: Pueste – viodude classiche eu: Posta - Ikuspegi klasikoa zh_CN: 邮件 - 经典视图 de: E-Mail – Klassische Ansicht pt_BR: E-mail – Visualização Clássica pt: Correio – Vista clássica gl: Correo – Vista clásica fa: نامه – نمای کلاسیک ru: Почта – Классический вид uk: Пошта — Класичний вигляд fr: Courriel − Affichage classique da: Mail – klassisk oversigt C: Mail – Classic View lt: Paštas - klasikinis rodinys sv: E-post – Klassisk vy ca: Correu – Vista clàssica ko: 메일 – 전통적 보기 es: Correo - vista clásica sl: Pošta – Običajni pogled en_GB: Mail – Classic View tr: Posta - Klasik Görünüm cs: Pošta – klasické zobrazení id: Surel - Tampilan Klasik sr: Е-поште – класични приказ fi: Sähköposti – Perinteinen näkymä lv: Pasts — klasiskais skats hu: Levél – Klasszikus nézet pl: Poczta — widok klasyczny ie: Postage — un classic vise nl: E-mail – klassieke weergave sr@latin: E-pošte – klasični prikaz thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-1_1248x724@1.png width: 1248 height: 724 - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-1_752x436@1.png width: 752 height: 436 - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-1_624x362@1.png width: 624 height: 362 - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-1_224x130@1.png width: 224 height: 130 source-image: url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 2504 height: 1454 - caption: fur: Pueste – viodude verticâl eu: Posta - Ikuspegi bertikala zh_CN: 邮件 - 竖直视图 de: E-Mail – Vertikale Ansicht pt_BR: E-mail – Visualização Vertical pt: Correio – Vista vertical gl: Correo – Vista vertical fa: نامه – نمای عمودی ru: Почта – Вертикальный вид uk: Пошта — Вертикальний вигляд fr: Courriel − Affichage vertical da: Mail – lodret oversigt C: Mail – Vertical View lt: Paštas - vertikalus rodinys sv: E-post – Vertikal vy ca: Correu – Vista vertical ko: 메일 – 세로 보기 es: Correo - vista vertical sl: Pošta – Navpični pogled en_GB: Mail – Vertical View tr: Posta - Dikey Görünüm cs: Pošta – svislé zobrazení id: Surel - Tampilan Vertikal sr: Е-пошта – усправни преглед fi: Sähköposti – Pystysuuntainen näkymä lv: Pasts — vertikālais skats hu: Levél – Függőleges nézet pl: Poczta — widok pionowy ie: Postage — un vertical vise nl: E-mail – verticale weergave sr@latin: E-pošta – uspravni pregled thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-2_1248x724@1.png width: 1248 height: 724 - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-2_752x436@1.png width: 752 height: 436 - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-2_624x362@1.png width: 624 height: 362 - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-2_224x130@1.png width: 224 height: 130 source-image: url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 2504 height: 1454 - caption: nl: E-mailopsteller es: Editor de correos lv: Pasta redaktors sr@latin: Sastavljanje e-pošte sv: E-postredigerare en_GB: Mail Composer fi: Sähköpostin kirjoitus ca: Editor de correu pt: Compositor de correio tr: Posta Düzenleyici de: Nachrichteneditor fr: Éditeur de Courriel uk: Редактор повідомлень fa: ایجادکنندهٔ نامه pl: Okno tworzenia wiadomości sl: Sestavljalnik sporočil C: Mail Composer id: Komposer Surel cs: Editor zpráv sr: Састављање е-поште fur: Composidôr di pueste eu: Posta-konposatzailea pt_BR: Compositor de E-mail zh_CN: 邮件编辑器 lt: Laiškai redaktorius hu: Levélszerkesztő ko: 메일 작성 da: Brevredigering gl: Compositor de correo ru: Редактор почты thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-3_1248x728@1.png width: 1248 height: 728 - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-3_752x438@1.png width: 752 height: 438 - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-3_624x364@1.png width: 624 height: 364 - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-3_224x130@1.png width: 224 height: 130 source-image: url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 2152 height: 1256 - caption: ckb: ڕۆژژمێر az: Təqvim nds: Kalenner id: Kalender be: Каляндар ie: Calendare ca@valencia: Calendari be@latin: Kalandar oc: Calendièr nb: Kalender ml: കലണ്ടര് lv: Kalendārs sv: Kalender cs: Kalendář nn: Kalender fa: تقویم pt_BR: Agenda ta: நாள்காட்டி C: Calendar ru: Календарь br: Deiziadur sk: Kalendár xh: Ikhalenda he: יומן bg: Календар el: Ημερολόγιο en@shaw: "\U00010452\U00010468\U00010464\U00010469\U0001046F\U0001045B\U0001047C" sl: Koledar bs: Kalendar is: Dagatal mai: कैलेंडर af: Kalender kk: Күнтізбе ps: کليز mn: Хуанли hr: Kalendar or: କ୍ଯାଲେଣ୍ଡର ar: التقويم ne: पात्रो it: Calendario pt: Calendário en_CA: Calendar rw: Kalindari as: কেলেন্ডাৰ da: Kalender ka: კალენდარი sr@latin: Kalendar zh_CN: 日历 eo: Kalendaro te: క్యాలెండర్ zh_HK: 行事曆 ug: يىلنامە hi: पंचांग kn: ಕ್ಯಾಲೆಂಡರ್ ca: Calendari ja: カレンダー hu: Naptár dz: ཟླ་ཐོ། fr: Agenda mr: दिनदर्शिका tr: Takvim ko: 달력 cy: Calendr ro: Calendar pl: Kalendarz sq: Kalendari ms: Kalendar pa: ਕੈਲੰਡਰ gu: કેલેન્ડર wa: Calindrî th: ปฏิทิน de: Kalender sr: Календар vi: Lịch ast: Calendariu fi: Kalenteri es: Calendario bn: ক্যালেন্ডার zh_TW: 行事曆 uk: Календар am: ቀን መቁጠሪያ en_GB: Calendar et: Kalender lt: Kalendorius gl: Calendario fur: Calendari nl: Agenda bn_IN: বর্ষপঞ্জি an: Calandario si: දින දර්ශණය ga: Féilire mk: Календар eu: Egutegia thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-4_1248x724@1.png width: 1248 height: 724 - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-4_752x436@1.png width: 752 height: 436 - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-4_624x362@1.png width: 624 height: 362 - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-4_224x130@1.png width: 224 height: 130 source-image: url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-4_orig.png width: 2504 height: 1454 - caption: ckb: پەیوەندیکەران az: Əlaqələr nds: Kontakte oc: Contactes be: Кантакты ie: Contactes ca@valencia: Contactes be@latin: Kantakty nb: Kontakter ml: വിലാസങ്ങള് lv: Kontakti sv: Kontakter cs: Kontakty nn: Kontaktar fa: آشناها pt_BR: Contatos ta: தொடர்புகள் ku: Tekilî C: Contacts br: Darempredoù sk: Kontakty ru: Контакты he: אנשי קשר xh: Abantu Oqhagamshelana Nabo bg: Контакти el: Επαφές en@shaw: "\U00010452\U0001046A\U0001046F\U00010451\U00010468\U00010452\U00010451\U00010455" sl: Stiki bs: Kontakti is: Tengiliðir af: Kontakte ps: اړيکلوري kk: Контакттар mai: संपर्क hr: Kontakti or: ସମ୍ପର୍କ ar: المتراسلين mn: Холбоонууд it: Contatti pt: Contactos en_CA: Contacts rw: Aho kubariza ne: सम्पर्क as: পৰিচয়সমূহ da: Adressebog ka: კონტაქტები sr@latin: Kontakti bn_IN: পরিচিতি zh_CN: 联系人 eo: Kontaktoj te: పరిచయాలు zh_HK: 聯絡人 ug: ئالاقەداشلار hi: संपर्क kn: ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸಗಳು ca: Contactes ja: 連絡先 hu: Névjegyek dz: འབྲེལ་ས་ཚུ། fr: Contacts mr: संपर्क tr: Bağlantılar ko: 연락처 cy: Cysylltiadau ro: Contacte pl: Kontakty sq: Kontakte ms: Hubungan pa: ਸੰਪਰਕ gu: સંપર્કો th: ผู้ติดต่อ de: Kontakte sr: Контакти vi: Liên lạc ast: Contautos fi: Yhteystiedot es: Contactos bn: পরিচিতি zh_TW: 連絡人 uk: Контакти en_GB: Contacts et: Kontaktid lt: Kontaktai gl: Contactos fur: Contats nl: Contacten id: Kontak an: Contactos si: සම්බන්ධතා ga: Teagmhálacha mk: Контакти eu: Kontaktuak thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-5_1248x724@1.png width: 1248 height: 724 - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-5_752x436@1.png width: 752 height: 436 - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-5_624x362@1.png width: 624 height: 362 - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-5_224x130@1.png width: 224 height: 130 source-image: url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/898fd332cbf89c68dc4e2bfb56f41504/screenshots/image-5_orig.png width: 2504 height: 1454 Languages: - locale: en_US percentage: 100 Branding: colors: - type: primary scheme-preference: light value: '#d6dfd9' - type: primary scheme-preference: dark value: '#613583' Releases: - version: 3.54.2 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1732233600 description: C: >-Bug Fixes:
Bug Fixes:
Bug Fixes:
Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
This package contains files shared by all GUI-enabled vim variants available in Debian. Examples of such shared files are: gvimtutor, icons, and desktop environments settings.
en: >-Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
This package contains files shared by all GUI-enabled vim variants available in Debian. Examples of such shared files are: gvimtutor, icons, and desktop environments settings.
Categories: - Utility - TextEditor Keywords: ca: - Text - editor es: - Texto - editor fr: - Texte - éditeur sr: - Текст - едитор de: - Text - Editor uk: - текст - редактор ja: - テキスト - エディタ fi: - Teksti - muokkain - editori it: - Testo - editor ga: - Téacs - eagarthóir eo: - Teksto - redaktilo ru: - текст - текстовый редактор tr: - Metin - düzenleyici zh_CN: - Text - editor - 文本 - 编辑器 C: - Text - editor Icon: cached: - name: vim-gui-common_gvim.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: vim-gui-common_gvim.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: vim-gui-common_gvim.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: g/gv/gvim.desktop/136586edc12ddbfb6d238729b93da774/icons/128x128/vim-gui-common_gvim.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: gvim Launchable: desktop-id: - gvim.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - text/english - text/plain - text/x-makefile - text/x-c++hdr - text/x-c++src - text/x-chdr - text/x-csrc - text/x-java - text/x-moc - text/x-pascal - text/x-tcl - text/x-tex - application/x-shellscript - text/x-c - text/x-c++ --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gtk.IconBrowser4 Package: gtk-4-examples ProjectLicense: LGPL-2.1-or-later Name: C: GTK Icon Browser Summary: C: Program to browse themed icons Description: C: >-GTK Icon Browser is a simple application to show themed icons that are available on the system.
Developer: name: C: Matthias Clasen and others Categories: - Development Url: homepage: https://www.gtk.org Icon: cached: - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.IconBrowser4.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.IconBrowser4.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.IconBrowser4.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/gtk/IconBrowser4/9741db16edf3a91e1f65803c47f3c62c/icons/128x128/gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.IconBrowser4.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.gtk.IconBrowser4 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.gtk.IconBrowser4.desktop Screenshots: - caption: C: Icon Browser thumbnails: - url: org/gtk/IconBrowser4/9741db16edf3a91e1f65803c47f3c62c/screenshots/image-1_752x519@1.png width: 752 height: 519 - url: org/gtk/IconBrowser4/9741db16edf3a91e1f65803c47f3c62c/screenshots/image-1_624x431@1.png width: 624 height: 431 - url: org/gtk/IconBrowser4/9741db16edf3a91e1f65803c47f3c62c/screenshots/image-1_224x154@1.png width: 224 height: 154 source-image: url: org/gtk/IconBrowser4/9741db16edf3a91e1f65803c47f3c62c/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 993 height: 686 - caption: C: Search thumbnails: - url: org/gtk/IconBrowser4/9741db16edf3a91e1f65803c47f3c62c/screenshots/image-2_752x519@1.png width: 752 height: 519 - url: org/gtk/IconBrowser4/9741db16edf3a91e1f65803c47f3c62c/screenshots/image-2_624x431@1.png width: 624 height: 431 - url: org/gtk/IconBrowser4/9741db16edf3a91e1f65803c47f3c62c/screenshots/image-2_224x154@1.png width: 224 height: 154 source-image: url: org/gtk/IconBrowser4/9741db16edf3a91e1f65803c47f3c62c/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 993 height: 686 Languages: - locale: en_US percentage: 100 Releases: - version: 4.16.3 type: stable description: C: >-A new build of GTK.
ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor Package: gtk-4-examples ProjectLicense: LGPL-2.1-or-later Name: C: GTK Node Editor Summary: C: Program to edit render node files Description: C: >-GTK Node Editor is a simple application to show and edit render node files.
Render node files can e.g. be created by the GTK inspector.
Developer: name: C: Matthias Clasen and others Categories: - Development Url: homepage: https://www.gtk.org Icon: cached: - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/gtk/gtk4.NodeEditor/8e768b0471b76dae613c11bea4de0f68/icons/128x128/gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor Launchable: desktop-id: - org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.desktop Screenshots: - caption: C: Node Editor thumbnails: - url: org/gtk/gtk4.NodeEditor/8e768b0471b76dae613c11bea4de0f68/screenshots/image-1_752x569@1.png width: 752 height: 569 - url: org/gtk/gtk4.NodeEditor/8e768b0471b76dae613c11bea4de0f68/screenshots/image-1_624x472@1.png width: 624 height: 472 - url: org/gtk/gtk4.NodeEditor/8e768b0471b76dae613c11bea4de0f68/screenshots/image-1_224x169@1.png width: 224 height: 169 source-image: url: org/gtk/gtk4.NodeEditor/8e768b0471b76dae613c11bea4de0f68/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1052 height: 797 Languages: - locale: en_US percentage: 100 Releases: - version: 4.16.3 type: stable description: C: >-A new build of GTK.
ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gtk.Demo4 Package: gtk-4-examples ProjectLicense: LGPL-2.1-or-later Name: C: GTK Demo Summary: C: Program to demonstrate GTK functions Description: C: >-GTK Demo is a collection of examples that demonstrate the major features of the GTK toolkit.
Developer: name: C: Matthias Clasen and others Categories: - Development Url: homepage: https://www.gtk.org Icon: cached: - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.Demo4.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.Demo4.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.Demo4.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/gtk/Demo4/3bd8ec3ab618d28654787edd2ac09045/icons/128x128/gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.Demo4.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.gtk.Demo4 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.gtk.Demo4.desktop Screenshots: - caption: C: The main window thumbnails: - url: org/gtk/Demo4/3bd8ec3ab618d28654787edd2ac09045/screenshots/image-1_752x571@1.png width: 752 height: 571 - url: org/gtk/Demo4/3bd8ec3ab618d28654787edd2ac09045/screenshots/image-1_624x474@1.png width: 624 height: 474 - url: org/gtk/Demo4/3bd8ec3ab618d28654787edd2ac09045/screenshots/image-1_224x170@1.png width: 224 height: 170 source-image: url: org/gtk/Demo4/3bd8ec3ab618d28654787edd2ac09045/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 828 height: 629 - caption: C: An example thumbnails: - url: org/gtk/Demo4/3bd8ec3ab618d28654787edd2ac09045/screenshots/image-2_752x574@1.png width: 752 height: 574 - url: org/gtk/Demo4/3bd8ec3ab618d28654787edd2ac09045/screenshots/image-2_624x476@1.png width: 624 height: 476 - url: org/gtk/Demo4/3bd8ec3ab618d28654787edd2ac09045/screenshots/image-2_224x171@1.png width: 224 height: 171 source-image: url: org/gtk/Demo4/3bd8ec3ab618d28654787edd2ac09045/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 854 height: 652 Languages: - locale: en_US percentage: 100 Releases: - version: 4.16.3 type: stable description: C: >-A new build of GTK.
ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gtk.WidgetFactory4 Package: gtk-4-examples ProjectLicense: LGPL-2.1-or-later Name: C: GTK Widget Factory Summary: C: Program to demonstrate GTK functions Description: C: >-GTK Widget Factory is a showcase of GTK widgets. It was originally created to help theme authors test their creations for completeness.
Developer: name: C: Matthias Clasen and others Categories: - Development Url: homepage: https://www.gtk.org Icon: cached: - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/eceda5d117925ca19a048509e61bf950/icons/128x128/gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.gtk.WidgetFactory4 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.desktop Screenshots: - caption: C: Page 1 thumbnails: - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/eceda5d117925ca19a048509e61bf950/screenshots/image-1_1248x724@1.png width: 1248 height: 724 - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/eceda5d117925ca19a048509e61bf950/screenshots/image-1_752x436@1.png width: 752 height: 436 - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/eceda5d117925ca19a048509e61bf950/screenshots/image-1_624x362@1.png width: 624 height: 362 - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/eceda5d117925ca19a048509e61bf950/screenshots/image-1_224x130@1.png width: 224 height: 130 source-image: url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/eceda5d117925ca19a048509e61bf950/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1379 height: 801 - caption: C: Page 3 thumbnails: - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/eceda5d117925ca19a048509e61bf950/screenshots/image-2_1248x724@1.png width: 1248 height: 724 - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/eceda5d117925ca19a048509e61bf950/screenshots/image-2_752x436@1.png width: 752 height: 436 - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/eceda5d117925ca19a048509e61bf950/screenshots/image-2_624x362@1.png width: 624 height: 362 - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/eceda5d117925ca19a048509e61bf950/screenshots/image-2_224x130@1.png width: 224 height: 130 source-image: url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/eceda5d117925ca19a048509e61bf950/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1379 height: 801 Languages: - locale: en_US percentage: 100 Releases: - version: 4.16.3 type: stable description: C: >-A new build of GTK.
ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gtk.PrintEditor4 Package: gtk-4-examples Name: C: GTK Print Editor Summary: C: Program to demonstrate GTK printing Description: C: >-GTK Print Editor is a simple editor to demonstrate GTK printing.
DeveloperName: C: Matthias Clasen and others ProjectLicense: LGPL-2.1-or-later Categories: - Development Url: homepage: https://www.gtk.org Icon: cached: - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.PrintEditor4.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.PrintEditor4.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.PrintEditor4.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/gtk/PrintEditor4/8f2a877f11e4ddd7cc8a1ebebf5b1d23/icons/128x128/gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.PrintEditor4.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.gtk.PrintEditor4 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.gtk.PrintEditor4.desktop Screenshots: - caption: C: Print Editor thumbnails: - url: org/gtk/PrintEditor4/8f2a877f11e4ddd7cc8a1ebebf5b1d23/screenshots/image-1_224x317.png width: 224 height: 317 source-image: url: org/gtk/PrintEditor4/8f2a877f11e4ddd7cc8a1ebebf5b1d23/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 573 height: 813 Languages: - locale: en_US percentage: 100 Releases: - version: 3.99.0 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1596067200 description: C: >-A new developers snapshot towards GTK 4.0.
ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gnome.Extensions Package: gnome-shell-extension-prefs ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0-or-later Name: kab: Isiɣzaf he: הרחבות vi: Phần mở rộng eu: Hedapenak fur: Estensions mjw: Extensions fy: Útwreidingen ka: გაფართოებები nb: Utvidelser os: Уӕлӕмхасӕнтӕ ja: 拡張機能 pt_BR: Extensões zh_CN: 扩展 de: Erweiterungen bg: Разширения oc: Extensions pt: Extensões ro: Extensii hr: Proširenja gl: Extensións fa: افزونهها ru: Расширения el: Επεκτάσεις C: Extensions uk: Розширення is: Forritsviðaukar fr: Extensions lt: Plėtiniai sv: Tillägg sk: Rozšírenia ca: Extensions da: Udvidelser cs: Rozšíření be: Пашырэнні it: Estensioni ko: 확장 es: Extensiones ne: विस्तारहरू sl: Razširitve lupine hi: एक्सटेंशन्स tr: Uzantılar id: Ekstensi en_GB: Extensions sr: Проширења fi: Laajennukset pl: Rozszerzenia pa: ਇਕਸਟੈਨਸ਼ਨ hu: Kiterjesztések lv: Paplašinājumi kk: Кеңейтулер ie: Extensiones nl: Uitbreidingen zh_TW: 擴充套件 eo: Etendaĵoj sr@latin: Proširenja bn_IN: এক্সটেনশনগুলি Summary: hu: Saját GNOME kiterjesztések kezelése he: ניהול הרחבות GNOME שלך vi: Quản lý các phần mở rộng GNOME của bạn eu: Kudeatu zure GNOME hedapenak fur: Gjestìs lis tôs Estensions di GNOME fy: Jo GNOME Útwreidingen behearre ka: GNOME-ის თქვენი გაფართოებების მართვა nb: Hold styr på GNOME-utvidelsene dine ja: GNOME 拡張機能を管理します pt_BR: Gerenciar suas extensões do GNOME de: Ihre GNOME-Erweiterungen verwalten zh_CN: 管理您的 GNOME 扩展 bg: Управление на разширенията на GNOME oc: Gerir vòstras extensions GNOME pt: Gerir as extensões do GNOME ro: Administrați Exensiile GNOME hr: Upravljajte svojim GNOME proširenjima gl: Xestione as súas extensións de GNOME fa: مدیریت افزونههای پوستهٔ گنوم ru: Управление расширениями GNOME Shell el: Διαχείριση επεκτάσεων GNOME uk: Керуйте вашими розширеннями GNOME C: Manage your GNOME Extensions is: Sýsla með GNOME Shell Extension forritsviðauka fr: Gérer vos extensions GNOME lt: Tvarkyti GNOME plėtinius sv: Hantera dina GNOME-tillägg sk: Spravuje vaše rozšírenia prostredia GNOME ca: Gestioneu les extensions del GNOME Shell da: Håndtér dine GNOME-udvidelser cs: Správa vašich rozšíření GNOME be: Кіраванне пашырэннямі GNOME it: Gestione delle Estensioni GNOME ko: 그놈 확장을 관리합니다 es: Gestionar sus extensiones de GNOME Shell ne: तपाईँको जिनोम विस्तार व्यवस्थापन गर्नुहोस् sl: Upravljanje z razširitvami Lupine GNOME hi: अपने गनोम एक्सटेंशन प्रबंधित करें tr: GNOME Uzantılarını Yönet id: Kelola Ekstensi GNOME Anda en_GB: Manage your GNOME Extensions sr: Подесите проширења Гнома fi: Hallitse Gnome-laajennuksia pl: Zarządzanie rozszerzeniami GNOME lv: Pārvaldiet savus GNOME paplašinājumus pa: ਗਨੋਮ ਇਕਸਟੈਸ਼ਨਾਂ ਦਾ ਇੰਤਜ਼ਾਮ ਕਰੋ kk: GNOME кеңейтулерін басқару th: จัดการส่วนขยายต่างๆ ของ GNOME ของคุณ nl: Beheer uw GNOME-uitbreidingen zh_TW: 管理《GNOME Shell》的擴充套件 eo: Agordi viajn GNOME etendaĵojn sr@latin: Podesite proširenja Gnoma bn_IN: আপনার জিনোম এক্সটেনশনগুলি পরিচালনা করুন Description: he: >-הרחבות GNOME מטפל בעדכון הרחבות, הגדרת אפשרויות של כל הרחבה, הסרה והשבתת הרחבות לא רצויות.
fur: >-Estensions di GNOME al gjestìs l'inzornament des estensions, la configurazion des preferencis des estensions e la rimozion o la disabilitazion des estensions che no son desideradis.
eu: >-GNOME Hedapenak aplikazioak hedapenak eguneratzea, hedapenen hobespenak konfiguratzea eta gehiago nahi ez diren hedapenak kentzea edo desgaitzea ahalbidetzen du.
vi: >-Phần mở rộng GNOME xử lý việc cập nhật tiện ích mở rộng, cấu hình tùy chọn tiện ích mở rộng và xóa hoặc vô hiệu hóa các tiện ích mở rộng không mong muốn.
ka: >-GNOME-ის გაფართოებები დაკავებულია გაფართოებების განახლებით, მათი პარამეტრების მორგებით და არასასურველი გაფართოებების წაშლით ან გამორთვით.
nb: >-GNOME Utvidelser håndterer oppdatering og tilpassing av utvidelser, og lar deg fjerne eller slå av uønskede utvidelser.
zh_CN: >-GNOME 扩展程序可用于升级扩展,配置扩展首选项和移除、禁用不想要的扩展。
de: >-GNOME-Erweiterungen dient der Aktualisierung von Erweiterungen, dem Konfigurieren der Voreinstellungen von Erweiterungen und dem Entfernen oder Deaktivieren nicht gewünschter Erweiterungen.
pt_BR: >-Extensões do GNOME lida com a atualização, configuração e preferências das extensões, e também remove ou desabilita as extensões indesejadas.
ja: >-“拡張機能”は GNOME Shell 拡張機能の設定、更新、削除、不要な拡張機能の無効化を行うことができます。
be: >-Пашырэнні GNOME ажыццяўляюць абнаўленне і змяненне параметраў пашырэнняў, выдаленне або адключэнне непажаданых пашырэнняў.
oc: >-GNOME Extensions gerís las mesas a jorn d'extensions, lo parametratge de la preferéncias d'extensions e la supression o desactivacion de las extensions pas volguda.
pt: >-O Extensões do GNOME lida com a atualização da extensões, configuração das preferências de extensões e remoção ou desativação de extensões já não desejadas.
hr: >-GNOME Proširenja rukuje nadopunama proširenja, podešavanjem osobitostima proširenja i uklanjanjem ili onemogućavanjem neželjenih proširenja.
gl: >-Extensións de GNOME xestiona a actualización de extensions, a súa configuración, eliminación e a desactivación das extensións que non quere.
fa: >-افزونههای گنوم؛ بهروز رسانی، پیکربندی، برداشتن یا از کار انداختن افزونهها را مدیریت میکند.
ru: >-Приложение "Расширения GNOME" занимается обновлением расширений, настройкой параметров расширений и удалением или отключением ненужных расширений.
el: >-Το πρόγραμμα Επεκτάσεις GNOME χειρίζεται την ενημέρωση επεκτάσεων, τη ρύθμιση προτιμήσεων και την αφαίρεση ή απενεργοποίηση ανεπιθύμητων επεκτάσεων.
uk: >-«Розширення» GNOME обробляють оновлення розширень, налаштовування параметрів розширень, а також вилучення та вимикання небажаних розширень.
C: >-GNOME Extensions handles updating extensions, configuring extension preferences and removing or disabling unwanted extensions.
ro: >-Exensii GNOME gestionează actualizarea extensiilor, configurarea preferințelor extensiei și eliminarea sau dezactivarea extensiilor nedorite.
fr: >-Extensions de GNOME gère la mise à jour des extensions, la configuration des préférences des extensions et la suppression ou la désactivation des extensions non désirées.
lt: >-GNOME Plėtiniai atnaujina plėtinius, konfigūruoja jų nustatymus bei šalina arba išjungia nepageidaujamus plėtinius.
sv: >-GNOME Tillägg hanterar uppdatering av tillägg, konfiguration av inställningar för tillägg samt att ta bort eller inaktivera oönskade tillägg.
ca: >-Les extensions del GNOME gestiona les actualitzacions de les extensions, configurant les preferències de l'extensió i suprimint o desactivant les extensions no desitjades.
sk: >-Rozšírenia prostredia GNOME spravujú aktualizácie rozšírení, konfiguráciu predvolieb rozšírení a odstraňovanie alebo zakázanie nechcených rozšírení.
da: >-GNOME Udvidelser håndterer opdatering af udvidelser, konfigurering af deres indstillinger og fjernelse eller deaktivering af uønskede udvidelser.
ko: >-그놈 확장 관리자에서는 확장 기능의 업데이트, 확장 기능의 설정, 원하지 않는 확장 기능 제거 또는 사용 중지를 처리합니다.
bg: >-С „Разширенията на GNOME“ може да променяте настройките им, да инсталирате нови, да деинсталирате или изключвате нежеланите разширения.
es: >-Extensiones de GNOME gestiona las actualizaciones de las extensiones, configurando sus preferencias y quitando o desactivando las que no quiera.
it: >-Estensioni GNOME gestisce l'aggiornamento e la configurazione delle preferenze delle estensioni e la rimozione o la disabilitazione di estensioni indesiderate.
ne: >-जिनोम विस्तारले विस्तारअद्यावधिक ह्यान्डल गर्दछ, विस्तार प्राथमिकताहरू कन्फिगर गर्दछ र नचाहिएका विस्तारहरू हटाउँदै वा अक्षम पार्दैछ।
sl: >-Program Razširitve GNOME omogoča nameščanje in posodabljanje razširitev, prilagajanje nastavitev in upravljanje njihovega delovanja.
tr: >-GNOME Uzantılar; uzantıları güncellemeyi, uzantı tercihlerini yapılandırmayı ve istenmeyen uzantıları kaldırmayı veya devre dışı bırakmanızı sağlar.
cs: >-Aplikace Rozšíření GNOME umožňuje aktualizaci a nastavení předvoleb rozšíření a odstranění nebo vypnutí nechtěných rozšíření.
id: >-Ekstensi GNOME menangani pemutakhiran ekstensi, mengkonfigurasi preferensi ekstensi, dan menghapus atau menonaktifkan ekstensi yang tidak diinginkan.
sr: >-Гномова проширења руководе ажурирањем проширења, подешавањем поставки проширења и уклањањем или онемогућавањем проширења.
hi: >-'गनोम एक्सटेंशन्स' एक्सटेंशन को अद्यतन करने, एक्सटेंशन वरीयताओं को विन्यस्त करने और अवांछित एक्सटेंशन को हटाने या अक्षम करने का काम संभालता है।
en_GB: >-GNOME Extensions handles updating extensions, configuring extension preferences and removing or disabling unwanted extensions.
fi: >-Gnomen laajennussovellus Laajennukset käsittelee laajennusten päivitykset, niiden asetukset ja sen avulla voi poistaa laajennuksia käytöstä tai kokonaan järjestelmästä.
lv: >-“GNOME paplašinājumi” nodrošina paplašinājumu atjaunināšanu un konfigurēšanu, kā arī nevajadzīgo paplašinājumu izslēgšanu vai izņemšanu.
hu: >-A GNOME kiterjesztések kezeli a kiterjesztések frissítését, a kiterjesztésbeállítások konfigurálást és a nem kívánatos kiterjesztések eltávolítását vagy letiltását.
pl: >-Ten program obsługuje aktualizowanie, konfigurowanie preferencji oraz usuwanie i wyłączanie niechcianych rozszerzeń.
pa: >-ਗਨੋਮ ਇਕਸਟੈਨਸ਼ਨਾਂ ਇਕਸਟੈਨਸ਼ਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰਨ, ਇਕਸਟੈਨਸ਼ਨ ਪਸੰਦਾਂ ਦੀ ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ਕਰਨ ਅਤੇ ਬੇਲੋੜੀਆਂ ਇਕਸਟੈਨਸ਼ਨਾਂ ਹਟਾਉਣ ਜਾਂ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ ਕਰਨ ਦੇ ਕੰਮ ਆਉਂਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ।
kk: >-GNOME кеңейтулері көмегімен кеңейтулерді жаңарту, баптау және оларды өшіру немесе сөндіруге болады.
nl: >-GNOME Uitbreidingen staat in voor het bijwerken van uitbreidingen, hun voorkeuren te configureren of ongewenste uitbreidingen te verwijderen of uit te schakelen.
zh_TW: >-《GNOME 擴充套件》能管理擴充套件更新、調整擴充套件偏好設定、移除或停用不想用的擴充套件等。
eo: >-GNOME-etendaĵoj administras ĝisdatigon de etendaĵoj, adoptadon de etendaĵaj agordoj kaj forigo aŭ malŝaltigo de nebezonataj etendaĵoj.
sr@latin: >-Gnomova proširenja rukovode ažuriranjem proširenja, podešavanjem postavki proširenja i uklanjanjem ili onemogućavanjem proširenja.
bn_IN: >-জিনোম এক্সটেনশনস এক্সটেনশানগুলি আপডেট করতে, এক্সটেনশান পছন্দগুলি কনফিগার করে এবং অযাচিত এক্সটেনশানগুলি সরিয়ে বা অক্ষম করে।
ProjectGroup: GNOME Developer: id: org.gnome name: C: The GNOME Project Categories: - Utility Url: homepage: https://apps.gnome.org/Extensions/ bugtracker: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues translate: https://l10n.gnome.org/module/gnome-shell/ contribute: https://welcome.gnome.org/app/Extensions/ vcs-browser: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/tree/HEAD/subprojects/extensions-app donation: https://www.gnome.org/donate/ Icon: cached: - name: gnome-shell-extension-prefs_org.gnome.Extensions.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gnome-shell-extension-prefs_org.gnome.Extensions.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gnome-shell-extension-prefs_org.gnome.Extensions.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/gnome/Extensions/f58470f7123f88eb7e5a10c769250503/icons/128x128/gnome-shell-extension-prefs_org.gnome.Extensions.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.gnome.Extensions Launchable: desktop-id: - org.gnome.Extensions.desktop Requires: - display_length: 360 Recommends: - control: pointing - control: keyboard - control: touch Screenshots: - default: true caption: he: חלון ראשי kab: Asfaylu agejdan fur: Barcon principâl eu: Leiho nagusia cs: Hlavní okno hu: Főablak ka: მთავარი ფანჯარა nb: Hovedvindu zh_CN: 主窗口 pt_BR: Janela principal de: Hauptfenster oc: Fenèstra principala pt: Janela de Principal gl: Xanela principal be: Галоўнае акно ro: Fereastră principală fa: پنجرهٔ اصلی ru: Главное окно el: Κυρίως παράθυρο C: Main Window uk: Головне вікно da: Hovedvindue fr: Fenêtre principale lt: Pagrindinis langas sv: Huvudfönster sk: Hlavné okno ca: Finestra principal it: Finestra principale ko: 메인 창 es: Ventana principal bg: Основен прозорец sl: Glavno okno hi: मुख्य विंडो tr: Ana Pencere id: Jendela Utama en_GB: Main Window sr: Главни прозор fi: Pääikkuna lv: Galvenais logs pl: Okno główne pa: ਮੁੱਖ ਵਿੰਡੋ kk: Басты терезе nl: Hoofdvenster zh_TW: 主視窗 sr@latin: Glavni prozor thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Extensions/f58470f7123f88eb7e5a10c769250503/screenshots/image-1_752x466@1.png width: 752 height: 466 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/f58470f7123f88eb7e5a10c769250503/screenshots/image-1_624x387@1.png width: 624 height: 387 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/f58470f7123f88eb7e5a10c769250503/screenshots/image-1_224x138@1.png width: 224 height: 138 source-image: url: org/gnome/Extensions/f58470f7123f88eb7e5a10c769250503/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 922 height: 572 - caption: he: עדכונים זמינים kab: Ileqman yellan fur: Inzornaments disponibii eu: Eguneratze eskuragarriak cs: Dostupné aktualizace hu: Elérhető frissítések ka: ხელმისაწვდომი განახლებები nb: Tilgjengelige oppdateringer zh_CN: 可用更新 pt_BR: Atualizações Disponíveis de: Verfügbare Aktualisierungen oc: Mesas a jorn disponiblas pt: Actualizações disponíveis gl: Actualizacións dispoñíbeis be: Даступны абнаўленні ro: Actualizări disponibile fa: بهروز رسانیهای موجود ru: Доступные обновления el: Διαθέσιμες ενημερώσεις C: Available Updates uk: Доступні оновлення da: Tilgængelige opdateringer fr: Mises à jour disponibles lt: Prieinami atnaujinimai sv: Tillgängliga uppdateringar sk: Dostupné aktualizácie ca: Actualitzacions disponibles it: Aggiornamenti disponibili ko: 사용 가능 업데이트 es: Actualizaciones disponibles bg: Налични обновления sl: Razpoložljive posodobitve hi: उपलब्ध अद्यतन tr: Kullanılabilir Güncellemeler id: Pemutakhiran yang Tersedia en_GB: Available Updates sr: Доступна ажурирања fi: Saatavilla olevat päivitykset lv: Pieejami atjauninājumi pl: Dostępne aktualizacje pa: ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਹਨ kk: Қолжетімді жаңартулар nl: Beschikbare updates zh_TW: 可用的更新 sr@latin: Dostupna ažuriranja thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Extensions/f58470f7123f88eb7e5a10c769250503/screenshots/image-2_752x466@1.png width: 752 height: 466 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/f58470f7123f88eb7e5a10c769250503/screenshots/image-2_624x387@1.png width: 624 height: 387 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/f58470f7123f88eb7e5a10c769250503/screenshots/image-2_224x138@1.png width: 224 height: 138 source-image: url: org/gnome/Extensions/f58470f7123f88eb7e5a10c769250503/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 922 height: 572 - caption: he: תצוגת חיפוש fur: Viodude ricercje eu: Bilaketa-ikuspegia cs: Zobrazení vyhledávání hu: Keresési nézet ka: ძებნის ხედი nb: Søkeside zh_CN: 搜索视图 pt_BR: Visualização da pesquisa de: Suchansicht oc: Vista recèrca pt: Procurar gl: Vista de buscar be: Пошук ro: Vizualizarea căutării fa: نمای جستوجو ru: Отображение поиска uk: Панель пошуку C: Search View da: Søgevisning fr: Vue de la recherche lt: Paieškos rodinys sv: Sökvy sk: Zobrazenie vyhľadávania ca: Vista de cerca it: Vista di ricerca ko: 검색 보기 es: Vista de búsqueda bg: Изглед за търсене sl: Iskalni pogled hi: खोज दृश्य tr: Arama Görünümü id: Tampilan Pencarian en_GB: Search View sr: Преглед претраге fi: Hakunäkymä lv: Meklēšanas skats pl: Widok wyszukiwania pa: ਖੋਜ ਝਲਕ kk: Іздеу көрінісі nl: Zoekweergave zh_TW: 搜尋檢視 sr@latin: Pregled pretrage thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Extensions/f58470f7123f88eb7e5a10c769250503/screenshots/image-3_752x466@1.png width: 752 height: 466 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/f58470f7123f88eb7e5a10c769250503/screenshots/image-3_624x387@1.png width: 624 height: 387 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/f58470f7123f88eb7e5a10c769250503/screenshots/image-3_224x138@1.png width: 224 height: 138 source-image: url: org/gnome/Extensions/f58470f7123f88eb7e5a10c769250503/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 922 height: 572 Languages: - locale: en_US percentage: 100 Branding: colors: - type: primary scheme-preference: light value: '#c5eeb2' - type: primary scheme-preference: dark value: '#447637' Releases: - version: '47.0' type: stable unix-timestamp: 1726272000 ContentRating: oars-1.0: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.audacityteam.Audacity Package: audacity ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0-only Name: C: Audacity Summary: C: Audacity is the world's most popular audio editing and recording app Description: C: >-Audacity is the world's most popular audio editing and recording app.
You can use Audacity to:
New in Audacity 3.6: Master effects, and a new Limiter and Compressor!
Watch the release video or read the changelog to learn more.
The changelog also contains information about subsequent 3.6.x patches, should any be available.
url: details: https://www.audacityteam.org/3.6.0-video ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: addon ID: org.libreoffice.kde Package: libreoffice-plasma Extends: - libreoffice-base.desktop - libreoffice-calc.desktop - libreoffice-draw.desktop - libreoffice-impress.desktop - libreoffice-writer.desktop Name: C: LibreOffice KDE Integration Summary: C: Improves LibreOffice integration within the KDE Plasma desktop environment DeveloperName: C: The Document Foundation ProjectLicense: MPL-2.0 CompulsoryForDesktops: - KDE - Plasma Url: homepage: http://www.libreoffice.org/discover/writer/ bugtracker: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/ help: http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/documentation/ translate: https://hub.libreoffice.org/translate faq: https://hub.libreoffice.org/faq donation: https://donate.libreoffice.org/ --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.openrefine.openrefine Package: openrefine Name: C: OpenRefine Summary: C: powerful tool for working with messy data de: mächtiges Werkzeug zum Arbeiten mit ungeordneten Daten Description: C: >-OpenRefine is a power tool for working with messy data. Use it to improve data consistency, link it to data registries like Wikidata, augment it with data from other sources, transform it into different formats for other tools to consume, and contribute it back to the original sources. OpenRefine is not a web service but a desktop app that runs on your own computer, so you can process sensitive data with privacy.
en: >-OpenRefine is a power tool for working with messy data. Use it to improve data consistency, link it to data registries like Wikidata, augment it with data from other sources, transform it into different formats for other tools to consume, and contribute it back to the original sources. OpenRefine is not a web service but a desktop app that runs on your own computer, so you can process sensitive data with privacy.
Categories: - Utility - FileTools Keywords: C: - marc - text - csv - wikidata - odf Icon: cached: - name: openrefine_openrefine.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: openrefine_openrefine.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: openrefine_openrefine.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/openrefine/openrefine/8ab74f7b9a00feef97615e2be3a4a7b4/icons/128x128/openrefine_openrefine.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: openrefine Launchable: desktop-id: - org.openrefine.openrefine.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: htmldoc.desktop Package: htmldoc Name: C: HTMLDOC Summary: C: HTML Conversion Software Description: en_CA: >-HTMLDOC is a program for writing documentation in HTML and producing indexed HTML, PostScript, or PDF output (with tables of contents). It supports most HTML 3.2 and some HTML 4.0 syntax, as well as GIF, JPEG, and PNG images.
sk: >-HTMLDOC je program na písanie dokumentácie v jazyku HTML a tvorbu indexovaného výstupu v HTML, PostScripte alebo PDF (s obsahmi). Podporuje väčšinu HTML 3.2 a časť syntaxe HTML 4.0 syntax a tiež obrázky GIF, JPEG a PNG.
en_GB: >-HTMLDOC is a program for writing documentation in HTML and producing indexed HTML, PostScript, or PDF output (with tables of contents). It supports most HTML 3.2 and some HTML 4.0 syntax, as well as GIF, JPEG, and PNG images.
pt: >-HTMLDOC é um programa para escrever documentação em HTML e produzir resultados em HTML, PostScript, ou PDF indexados (com índices ou tabelas de conteúdos). Suporta a maioria da sintaxe HTML 3.2 e alguma HTML 4.0, assim como imagens GIF, JPEG, e PNG.
ja: >-HTMLDOC は HTML 形式で文書を作成し、索引が付いた HTML、Postscript 及び PDF ファイル出力 (目次付き) を作成するためのプログラムです。GIF、JPEG 及び PNG のサポートに加え、HTML 3.2 文法のほとんどと HTML 4.0 文法のいくつかを サポートしています。
it: >-HTMLDOC è un programma per scrivere documentazione in HTML e produrre output HTML, PostScript o PDF indicizzato (con indici). Supporta gran parte della sintassi HTML 3.2 e parte di quella HTML 4.0, così come immagini GIF, JPEG e PNG.
en: >-HTMLDOC is a program for writing documentation in HTML and producing indexed HTML, PostScript, or PDF output (with tables of contents). It supports most HTML 3.2 and some HTML 4.0 syntax, as well as GIF, JPEG, and PNG images.
de: >-HTMLDOC ist ein Programm zum Schreiben von Dokumentationen in HTML und zum Erzeugen von indizierten HTML, PostScript oder PDF Ausgaben (mit Inhaltsverzeichnissen). Es unterstützt den meisten HTML 3.2 und einigen HTML 4.0 Syntax, sowie GIF, JPEG und PNG Images.
fr: >-HTMLDOC est un programme pour écrire de la documentation au format HTML et produire des fichiers au format HTML indexé, PostScript ou PDF (avec table des matières). Il gère la plupart de la syntaxe de HTML 3.2 et une partie de celle de HTML 4.0, ainsi que les formats d'images GIF, JPEG et PNG.
pl: >-HTMLDOC jest programem do pisania dokumentacji w języku HTML i generowania zindeksowanych plików wyjściowych w formacie HTML, PostScript lub PDF (ze spisami treści). Program obsługuje większość elementów składni HTML 3.2 i niektóre elementy HTML 4.0, a także obrazy GIF, JPEG i PNG.
uk: >-HTMLDOC — програма для написання документації у форматі HTML, яка дає на виході індексовані HTML, PostScript чи PDF (зі змістом). Підтримує велику частину синтаксису HTML 3.2 і трохи HTML 4.0 а також зображення GIF, JPEG та PNG.
C: >-HTMLDOC is a program for writing documentation in HTML and producing indexed HTML, PostScript, or PDF output (with tables of contents). It supports most HTML 3.2 and some HTML 4.0 syntax, as well as GIF, JPEG, and PNG images.
en_AU: >-HTMLDOC is a program for writing documentation in HTML and producing indexed HTML, PostScript, or PDF output (with tables of contents). It supports most HTML 3.2 and some HTML 4.0 syntax, as well as GIF, JPEG, and PNG images.
pt_BR: >-HTMLDOC é um programa para escrever documentação em HTML e produzir uma saída em HTML, PostScript ou PDF indexada (com sumários).
da: >-HTMLDOC er et program til oprettelse af dokumentation i HTML og udarbejdelse af indekseret HTML, PostScript eller PDF (med indholdsfortegnelser). Programmet understøtter den meste HTML 3.2-syntaks og nogen HTML 4.0- syntaks samt GIF-, JPEG- og PNG-billeder.
gl: >-HTMLDOC é un programa para escribir documentación en HTML e producir unha saída en HTML, PostScript ou PDF (con índices). Admite a maior parte da sintaxe de HTML 3.2 e algunha da de HTML 4.0, así como as imaxes GIF, JPEG e PNG.
ru: >-HTMLDOC -- программа для написания документации в HTML, дающая на выходе индексированные HTML, PostScript, или PDF (с оглавлением). Поддерживает большую часть синтаксиса HTML 3.2 и немного HTML 4.0, а также изображения GIF, JPEG, и PNG.
Categories: - Office Keywords: C: - HTML - PDF - EPUB - Converter Icon: cached: - name: htmldoc_htmldoc.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: htmldoc_htmldoc.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: htmldoc_htmldoc.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: h/ht/htmldoc.desktop/296008dba0f0a9f1989a4b345fd599a8/icons/128x128/htmldoc_htmldoc.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: htmldoc Launchable: desktop-id: - htmldoc.desktop --- Type: generic ID: org.asterisk.dahdi.tools Package: dahdi-linux ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0-or-later Name: C: dahdi-dkms Summary: C: DAHDI telephony interface - Linux userspace parts Description: C: >-DAHDI (formly Zaptel) is an interface for telephony devices used by e.g. the Asterisk PBX software. The dahdi-* packages provide the kernel DAHDI kernel modules and their required setup environment.
This package includes the minimal Linux-specific userspace parts: udev configuration, xpp initialization scripts.
Url: homepage: https://www.asterisk.org/ Provides: modaliases: - pci:v0000e159d00000001sv* - lkmodule:dahdi --- Type: addon ID: evolution-bogofilter Package: evolution-plugin-bogofilter Extends: - org.gnome.Evolution.desktop ProjectLicense: LGPL Name: oc: Bogofilter be: Bogofilter ie: Bogofilter ca@valencia: Bogofilter nb: Bogofilter ml: ബോഗോഫില്റ്റര് lv: Bogofilter sv: Bogofilter cs: Bogofilter fa: Bogofilter pt_BR: Bogofilter ta: போகோவடிகட்டி C: Bogofilter sk: Bogofilter ru: Bogofilter bg: Bogofilter el: Bogofilter sl: Bogofilter bs: Bogofilter hr: Bogofilter or: Bogofilter it: Bogofilter pt: Bogofilter as: Bogofilter sr@latin: Bogofilter da: Bogofilter zh_CN: Bogofilter eo: Bogofilter te: Bogofilter zh_HK: Bogofilter ug: Bogofilter hi: बोगोफिल्टर kn: ಬೊಗೊಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ca: Bogofilter ja: Bogofilter hu: Bogofilter fr: Bogofilter mr: बोगोफिल्टर tr: Bogofilter ko: 보고필터 ro: Bogofiltru pl: Bogofilter vi: Bogofilter ms: Bogofilter pa: ਬੋਗੋਲਫਿਲਟਰ gu: Bogofilter th: Bogofilter sr: Богофилтер de: Bogofilter ast: Bogofilter fi: Bogofilter es: Bogofilter zh_TW: Bogofilter uk: Bogofilter en_GB: Bogofilter et: Bogofilter lt: Bogofilter ab: Bogofilter gl: Bogofilter fur: Bogofilter nl: Bogofilter bn_IN: Bogofilter id: Bogofilter an: Bogofilter eu: Bogofilter mk: Bogofilter Summary: fur: Filtri malvolûts doprant Bogofilter eu: Baztergarriak iragazteko Bogofilter erabiltzen ca@valencia: Filtra la brossa amb Bogofilter nb: Søppelfilter bruker Bogofilter zh_CN: 使用 Bogofilter 过滤垃圾 de: Filter für unerwünschte Nachrichten, der den Bogofilter verwendet pt_BR: Filtro de spam usando Bogofilter ms: Tapis sarap menggunakan Bogofilter oc: Filtre de corrièr indesirable qu'utiliza Bogofilter be: Фільтрацыя спаму з выкарыстаннем Bogofilter gl: Filtro de correo lixo usando Bogofilter hr: Filtar neželjene pošte koristi Bogofilter pt: Filtrar correio não solicitado usando o Bogofilter fa: پالایش بنجل با استفاده از Bogofilter ru: Фильтр спама с помощью Bogofilter el: Φίλτρο ανεπιθύμητων χρησιμοποιώντας το Bogofilter C: Junk filter using Bogofilter fr: Filtre de pourriel utilisant Bogofilter kn: ಬೊಗೊಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ರದ್ಧಿಯನ್ನು ಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ಮಾಡಿ da: Spamfilter med Bogofilter lt: Šlamšto filtravimas naudojant Bogofilter ca: Filtra la brossa amb Bogofilter sk: Filtrovanie nevyžiadanej pošty pomocou programu Bogofilter ro: Filtrează spamuri folosind Bogofilter sv: Skräppostfilter som använder Bogofilter uk: Фільтрувати спам через Bogofilter ko: 보고필터를 사용한 정크메일 필터링 es: Filtro de spam usando Bogofilter ta: Bogofilter பயன்படுத்தி குப்பை வடிகட்டி it: Filtra indesiderata usando Bogofilter sl: Filter za vsiljeno pošto, ki uporablja Bogofilter en_GB: Junk filter using Bogofilter bg: Програма за защита от спам чрез Bogofilter id: Penyaring sampah memakai Bogofilter cs: Filtrování nevyžádané pošty pomocí Bogofilter sr: Бого-филтер непожељних порука fi: Roskapostisuodatin Bogofilterin avulla bs: Filter za smeće koristeći Bogofilter tr: Bogofilter kullanarak gereksiz iletileri süz lv: Mēstuļu filtrēšanas, izmantojot Bogofilter hu: Levélszemétszűrő szoftver Bogofilter használatával pl: Filtrowanie niechcianych wiadomości za pomocą Bogofilter eo: Spamfiltrilo uzante Bogofilter nl: Spamfilter gebruikmakend van Bogofilter sr@latin: Bogo-filter nepoželjnih poruka zh_TW: 使用 Bogofilter 垃圾郵件過濾器 Url: homepage: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/evolution/-/wikis/